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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. https://www.texastribune.org/2025/01/15/texas-legislature-christianity-church-state-separation/ Not affecting my kids so I don't care. -Rex
  2. I was at that show. It was hot as fuck. You didn't miss much with Willie because you couldn't understand a word he said the whole show. Like Dylan. Mellencamp was the only bright spot of that whole show. I did see Dylan on his last tour through Austin. I took my kid and told her not to expect much but we were pleasantly surprised that we could actually hear him and the show was enjoyable. He changes up his songs so much live it was hard to tell what song he was singing but at least he was making an attempt to sing instead of mumbling two notes.
  3. My bad taste in women is pretty much unrivaled but then I haven't married a stripper so I may be #2 in that category.
  4. . Jerry Jeff Walker, Roky Erickson, and Doug Sahm performing at Gemini's club in Austin which would later transform into Raul's.
  5. How does Clemson have one timeout left? They've called 3 already
  6. Ten Bears


    Are you a cop? Because you have to tell us.
  7. Does anyone in Austin have a nylon stringed guitar laying around you want to get rid of? My kid has expressed mild interest in learning to play but I would need to see her actually try before buying her a decent acoustic.
  8. Damn Isbell sold out quick. I wanted 6 tix so I ordered the limit of 4 up front of the balcony and turned around to get two more and the whole theater was sold out.
  9. I have my doubts he survived that grenade explosion in his backpack.
  10. I saw that dude fly over the Pickle campus on his kamikaze run. I was wondering why he was so low that I could see his face.
  11. Well if it makes you feel better my dad still uses the 4440 John Deere but the AC has long since given up the ghost.
  12. 60 years old and grew up in Concho County. Different world indeed.
  13. Herbie seems drunk and not just on aggy tears
  14. Didn't they whoop and yell beat the hell out of tu at the end of Amazing Grace?
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