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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. What's this bullshit about today's game not being broadcast until 10 pm? So we can watch softball live? Wtf
  2. Does he walk around with cat litter on his nose like mine?
  3. While lyrics are very important to me the first time or two listening to a song I barely pay attention to them. If there is no good hook, melody ect then I couldn't care less about the words.
  4. Speaking of Isbell and Drivin and Cryin:
  5. You know how big his dick is? Does he know you know?
  6. This is even better when read in Joey Callo's voice.
  7. My dad is 85 and still farms and ranches nearly 2 sections, running 100 mama cows and 150 spanish nannies and raising livestock guard dogs for sale. His only help is my stepmom. I go down once a month or so to help with the things he can't lift and to work calves and whatnot but he does most of it himself.
  8. She ain't need no shoes cuz she ain't got no feet from the sugar diabetus.
  9. RIP Highland Lanes. Sigh.
  10. No gulf oysters too this season. Again.
  11. No shit. My red oak was in mast this year and it sounded like Fallujah acorns falling out there.
  12. But what if it is your dick?
  13. Ten Bears


    I would kick Jesus or the pope or anyone else in the face if he tried to wash my feet but only because my feet are super ticklish.
  14. How does that presale work? Not finding it anywhere.
  15. They just announced two Dylan shows at Moody Theater for Apr 5th and 6th. Sale starts Friday. I haven't seen him in a while so I see this as maybe a last chance. Hopefully he can sing well enough. My other times seeing him has been hit or miss.
  16. Isbell is fucking hilarious on xitter
  17. 40 below Fahrenheit or Celsius?
  18. I caught a Tom Petty coverband, The Damn Torpedoes, at 3Ten the other night and they were fucking awesome. Way cooler than I expected. Basically one long drunken sing-a-long. That's all I got.
  19. I think Kris has stated that that didn't happen.
  20. Smart. The skin will help keep that shitty stainless steel from rusting.
  21. My loon of an adopted sister tracked down her birth mother's phone number and address and promptly called her up only to have the first person to answer the phone say "Someone says you are their mom," and then the mom gets on the phone and loudly denies having my sister. Fun times. I had told her to just mail her mom and see if she wants to call on her own time but reason and patience are not her strengths. Wild assed conspiracy theories are though.
  22. It's the Gorilla Experiment.
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