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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. Wouldn't last five minutes on a pedal steel.
  2. They yadayada'd over the best part.
  3. I hyperventilated when he unhooked his harness.
  4. Why you wanna do me thataway. I was just funnin.
  5. What's the difference?
  6. Did they try unplugging him?
  7. Me too! She seemed to like it though.
  8. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson
  9. Incredibly well put so of course fatass won't or can't try to understand it.
  10. Rumor out of Brady is that Dustin Williams is the son of a cop. Of course.
  11. Fuck no Brady is not north Texas. Heart of Texas. I bet I know some of his family. Lots of Williams in that area. Mostly trash.
  12. I fully expected that stupid fucking bulldog to run right straight back into the flaming house.
  13. On what planet would a burnt pizza make you lol?
  14. https://www.loadofffannys.com/
  15. That was some upper level trolling by the Kerville paper.
  16. Man good luck finding covid tests. I called 10 places until I found some at the HEB on 79 and $10 ea at that. I broke my cherry Monday. 4th and last vax was 1.25 years ago so who knows where my antibodies where. Mild flu and upper respitory symptoms and headache. I've had worse hangovers, just not as long lasting. 1st day was the worst and each day has been better.
  17. Kevin doesn't know that kid would wreck him.
  18. Which part of the Bible? Asking for a friend.
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