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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. Good thing it doesn't depend on Trump seeing a shadow of his dick 'cause we would never have a trial.
  2. It's markedly worse. I am not talking about cutting in and forcing your way in. I am talking about when there is 3 or 4 car lengths of gap and as soon as the car behind me sees my blinker their first reaction is to speed up so I cant merge.
  3. To me, people speeding up when they see your blinker as you try to merge is a relatively new phenomenon in Austin that drives me up the fucking wall.
  4. https://www.grunge.com/440093/the-wild-true-story-of-satans-storm/
  5. That asshole Santa came blaring by my window at 7:30 am on a Saturday morning last Christmas. Not cool Santa.
  6. Can we get a GoPro live feed camera mounted to this thing so we can watch Orcs get cut in half in real time?
  7. Yeah, that was kinda cringey. That reminded me of the video of wasted Felker right before he imploded (not implying he has relapsed). I have loved TT since the first album and the 6 or so times I have seen them his vocals were hit or miss. The band was tight af each time though. I the 1st time I saw them I sat by Kent Finlay at Cheatham Street Warehouse and asked him what he thought of them. "They are the best young band I have seen in years and they are going to be big." Pretty high praise indeed.
  8. Since I usually cook for just two people I have stopped smoking brisket and just smoke prime chuck roasts and they turn out muy delicioso. Will definitely try this with the broth. Would make great Chicago beef sandwiches.
  9. Yes sir.
  10. Waking and baking and watching Pee Wee's Funhouse was the standard Saturday morning routine for a couple of years. RIP Pee Wee
  11. Ha ha, good one. Seeing Rodney Crowell then Wilco this fall. 1st time to see either one.
  12. $&()^%##
  13. Who are two angels and JD Souther?
  14. https://acousticstoday.org/alan-lomax-and-equality-through-recording-aj-lawrence/ Cool article about John's grandfather and great-grandfather recording early folk songs.
  15. Any idea what a Model 1894 Winchester .32-40 with a serial number somewhere around 16000 (built in 1895) would be worth? My grandfather won it in a raffle in the '40s. It's in pretty good shape. It's missing the butt plate and a few screws but I think it would fire.
  16. Fuuuuck me I had no idea she was married to that croaking toad.
  17. In '82 a buddy and I climbed on top of the Jester elevator and rode on it all of the way to the top without anyone knowing we were there. I got a little nervous not knowing how much headroom would be left after we reached the 14th floor but we were fine. Weirdly, as we rode back down to the lobby, the elevator gets stuck between the lobby and 2nd floor. We can hear a crowd gathering in lobby and can see a cop thru the crack in the door and I hear someone say "I think someone is in there." Panicking, I start studying the linkage mechanism that opens the door and find the right place to pry and manage to get the door open from the inside and we crawled out onto the 2nd floor lobby without getting cut into by the elevator suddenly starting up. We went to the lobby all innocent, "What someone is stuck in there? Oh my!"
  18. Care to elaborate on the inside information?
  19. What happens in GP stays in GP.
  20. Hot take alert!
  21. I didn't see near enough kicking around the head and neck area when that psychopath was on the ground.
  22. Why did Kokefest get canceled?
  23. My second piece of ass was my freshman year of high school on a trip to Del Rio where my dad was racing mules. He had several racing quarter horses and then racing mules back before parimutuel betting ruined all of that. In La Cuña at the calcutta the night before the races my dad tells my buddy and I that his best friend and the jockeys were going to Boys Town and asked did we want to go with them. Why yes, yes we did want to go with them. Right in front of my mom he gives us each $20 and says to be careful while my mom just shakes her head. On the way over there one of the jockeys pulls out a joint and we all get high af, with my dad's friend saying if I repeat anything I see tonight I will never go anywhere with him again. I kept my word because the next year we go back and I get laid for third time. The next summer we raced mules in Durango. Did not get laid but drank moonshine for first time.
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