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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. post a vid that makes you say "Holy Fuck!"
  2. Let's not forget that the Boy Scouts leader are chocked full of pedos too.
  3. Back before cell phones when we wanted to meet someone in a small Texas town we would just agree to a time to meet at the Dairy Queen because ever town had one.
  4. I read that last word as witchcuntery and thought it was pretty funny. I think I will add witchcuntery to my repertoire but in Nandor's voice.
  5. Mud flaps my baby's got em.
  6. That is the hottest lunch lady on the planet.
  7. Ten Bears

    Getting old sucks

    I walked 30 miles in 3 days in Chicago the other day. I can walk all day it seems but standing in one spot for more than a couple of minutes is torture on my knees. Went to see Bobby Wier last night with some friends that like to be up front at ACL Live ground area where there is no place to move around. I barely lasted past the first set before I said fuck it and left as my my knees were locking up. 59 and have had no major damage to my knees, just minor stuff here and there that is really adding up I guess. I'll see what the ortho dr has to say next week. Getting old sucks.
  8. He turned me into a newt!
  9. This is a great thread.
  10. no clip. what is it?
  11. Holy shit Yoko is smiling.
  12. Cool that they were smoking a joint.
  13. Two what? Cover albums? I am firmly in the fat drunk Isbell camp. I haven't enjoyed anything of his since Southeastern.
  14. Because they don't want to get car jacked?
  15. Sounds like the same easy listening dreck he has been putting out lately. They should do an album of covers. That I would listen to.
  16. I would rather stick my hand in a rattlesnake den.
  17. Dear Penthouse,...
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