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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. In the Ray of Hope Department: https://www.wacotrib.com/opinion/columns/board_of_contributors/blake-burleson-in-an-abyss-of-lies-i-must-finally/article_7636d664-7aa1-5eb6-91ff-b6b87795b438.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share&fbclid=IwAR1zhycuhWZl3WqwQQSd2QKE6DvdGa0O3IWltFTFGf5BGUG1Hwm5nVKKEPs When you have lost a Baylor Department of Religion professor and minister...
  2. Has MIA changed his passwords yet? Just to be sure?
  3. http://www.chron.com/news/texas/article/Arrest-warrant-out-for-man-after-couple-found-14811555.php?pd00=90bd74b4-9a55-4962-9f6f-67cdc0bfbf40&pd01=207efb61-e776-402a-af65-5b39277b07e0&pd02=pl-search&pd99=9c6b6f72-8ef4-489b-ad64-bfa0c57b0f68 Whoa, where did they find the bodies?
  4. My kid never had a choice to not eat spicy foods if I cooked it. Think i will pull some Axis deer meat out of the freezer and make the first Red of the year.
  5. They need to start bringing back intermissions of they expect me to sit for a 3.5 hour movie while i swill beer at the Drafthouse.
  6. I turned Varsity Blues off 30 minutes into it 20 something years ago it was so stupid. Has it improved over years?
  7. Someone help me out here...
  8. More pics of mum's mams.
  9. There is no worse venue than COTA.
  10. So same as it ever was lol. How did that shack stand a bullseye from a Cat 4 storm? Did they paint it blue before the storm hit?
  11. That is a charge.
  12. Just in time for Christmas.
  13. Steve told this story on ACL Live that aired on Saturday. Cracks me up. "How was the BBQ?" "Pork".
  14. Good to know Virginia's seafood boil is good because I swore I would never eat that crap at Cajun's again.
  15. Is Shell's still open and serving good food?
  16. So you are saying they are out fecks to give and shall lose by a considerable margin?
  17. I give thanks daily that my 81 yr old West Texas lifelong farmer and rancher authentic frontier gibberishing father hates the republican party with a white hot passion. He voted one time for a republican president, Reagan, and nearly instantly regretted it. Thanks pop!
  18. No misspellings. Punctuation acceptable. No way he wrote that.
  19. Haha, got me.
  20. Is that someone in a small boat that the pilot's seat nearly lands on?
  21. First question from the press should be "Can you define excoriate?"
  22. I hate to shatter your ego, but this is not the first time I've had a gun pointed at me.
  23. Alabama ShaKKKes
  24. The Kult
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