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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. I don't know how many shit particles end up in their coffee cup but that's not the point. The point is that they just walked past a kitchen where they could have set down the cup in a clean environment but instead chose to carry it into the busiest, stinkingest bathroom in the building. I have even seen their cups on the floor beside them on the shitter. And don't get me started on them reading some magazine that has been in that stall for weeks.
  2. Creeps me out when someone brings their open cup of coffee, tea, whatever, into my 5 hole work shitter where they just leave it on the table by the door. Fucking gross. There is a goddamn lunchroom literally next door 15 feet over where you could set it down but you bring it into this reeking bathroom.
  3. It's actually delicious. And raw.
  4. aggy gon aggy
  5. A Grand Prix just like this one was the coolest car we had when I was a kid. I grew up in the country so I got to tear ass around in it all the time. I was 9 lol. 455 cid 325 hp. What were my parents thinking? That thing could hit 130 mph. It got like 10 miles to the gallon and we traveled from near Coleman to Odessa nearly every weekend so he plumbed in a 30 gallon barrel in the trunk as auxiliary gas tank. I'm glad we never got rear-ended while I was asleep up on the rear deck.
  6. Damn, being HC at Texas ages you like a president.
  7. 55 years of living in Texas and have never even been in Brazos County and I see no need to ever do so.
  8. Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Like how to make a fucking X.
  9. Sure, psychopaths all.
  10. Danny Carey could fill in. Not like he's doing anything.
  11. God damn I love this song. He said one time that the fortune teller was across the street from Gruene Hall but who knows.
  12. Let me help you out there skj because that is brilliant.
  13. With the current negative immigration rates wouldn't a wall keep more Mexicans in than out? Hmmm.
  14. I've watched it probably 50 or more times but the last time was the first that I noticed The Duder pick up a joint out of his change off of the counter while leaving the coffee shop.
  15. nm
  16. Maybe she was still up drinking wine not up early drinking wine.
  17. I thought Porter was going to be the next Cedric Benson after watching Katy's state final his senior year.
  18. Shit I would shoot Jared in the thigh for free. I could even scrape up a couple hundo and pay them to let me shoot him.
  19. So are we just going to ignore the fact that the orca cookie idiot thought he was replying to one of his socks?
  20. Little bit sleet or snow on my roof this morning in Round Rock.
  21. Those innocent little angels were wearing white nationalist caps at a rally to oppress women. I'm gonna have to not give much of a shit about their little fucking feelings.
  22. Avatar really checks out.
  23. Ten Bears


    I don't understand a single one of the posts on the last half of this page.
  24. same
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