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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. In other words, yes, post if for sale.
  2. What was she trying to do there?
  3. Take my Trump. Please.
  4. I'm right there with you. It's bizarre.
  5. That's why he got fat.
  6. Damn, Ol' George is not getting laid tonight over that tweet. And he's good with that.
  7. I was speaking more metaphorically or some shit. Fuck I don't know I am super high on brownies, Maker's Mark and schadenfreude.
  8. It's aggy's for the taking.
  9. That was awesome. Someone do Sessions.
  10. God...Damn!!! /mrpoopybutthole
  11. What are you thinking you would want for it?
  12. This is from February so it might have been posted already but holy shit.
  13. When I was younger it was all about Mary Ann. Then I matured and realized what a fine, fine woman Ginger was.
  14. Nopity Nope Nope
  15. Fuck man can you not just let a guy have a funny quip about the infinite universes surrounding us without pointing out that we are all going to die slow, terrible deaths?
  16. Oh no doubt there are.
  17. The resident trumptards sure are quiet these last few days.
  18. You would know.
  19. So I'm not clear, do you like the Coen brothers or not?
  20. Fucking Homo Erectus could make fire. These guys can too. True they may not want to though. They might be too busy fucking their sisters to bother. Somebody should ask them.
  21. They really don't know how to make fire? Seems unlikely.
  22. Any replays of the game scheduled? I was traveling yesterday afternoon and forgot to set the dvr. Who was it that has been posting the games on youtube? Machinator?
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