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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. We are never losing again. Mark it down.
  2. Has anyone been to Green Mesquite lately? l hadn't been down Barton Springs road in years and was surprised to see they were still there. It was terrible back when.
  3. Now that's a self-fulfilling prophecy if I ever saw one.
  4. I am worried about his health issues. How many years has it been since he's played?
  5. In the 80s two of my high school buddies permed their shoulder length hair thinking they were going to look like Robert Plant. Instead they were named The Bush Brothers.
  6. I've listened to this about 5 times a day since you posted it. What an incredible voice. Song is way too short though.
  7. Oh man the Skatenigs were something else altogether.
  8. My first Pantera show was at The Back Room and is was fucking insane. I have never seen so much black leather in one place. I can still smell the odorous heat coming out of that place on that night. It was the wildest I have ever seen TBR and I saw probably a hundred shows there. Also there is a documentary on The Back Room coming out: Bloodied and Bruised.
  9. I wonder why any of you engage the bear dip troll.
  10. Plus the magnesium will burn like crazy after detonation. Bonus.
  11. I seem to remember Jason saying that Justin's girlfriend was one of Jason's roadies and Jason didn't fire her after they broke up and so JTE was pissed.
  12. Justin Townes Earle's widow isn't too happy about Jason writing and playing When We Were Close.
  13. I was. It was not near as bad as I had anticipated. It was cool seeing him with my kid.
  14. I took a practice ASVAB test and I just might have the right stuff. 12/12 score and I am a idoit. However the test writer might not be too smart either.
  15. It is amazing that they are so proud of their stealing of Native American's land that their slogan exemplifies not one but two of those incidents.
  16. REM 1984 at The Rat in Boston 1984. Hüsker Dü opened.
  17. The Regency Bridge is not for the faint of heart either. I took an old girlfriend across it once back when you could see thru the planks down to the Colorado. She made me stop about 20 yards in and literally crawled back off the bridge.
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