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  1. That’s fucking dumb.. imagine if he had fumbled in 2nd OT to seal our victory.
  2. There are many similarities between Sark and Herman, most notable being the turtling with a lead and other game management issues. The three key differences are: 1. Sark knows how to properly recruit and manage a roster. Tom would just stockpile higher rated recruits with no regard to specific position needs (OL, LBs, EDGE). This led to Tom having massive roster deficiencies by the time he was shown the door. 2. Sark knows how to hire assistants. Tom just stick with his UH comfort hires. 3. Sark is infinitely more likable. This ties into recruiting and hiring assistants as well. PK would never want to work for a douche like Tom. These differences seem to be worth about 3-4 wins per season.
  3. This. Hard to hate the call. Had we jumped on an early three score lead, we could have cruised to a significantly less stressful victory, even with the third quarter struggles. ASU having to pass more would have increased the odds of more turnovers via interceptions or strip sacks, too.
  4. His juke would have broken the ankles of 5 ASU defenders and sent them straight to the hospital. He then would’ve hurdled 3 more defenders, who would all quit football on the spot from shame. He would outrun the remaining defenders by effortlessly gliding down the sideline at 80% effort.
  5. It worked at the end of the 2018 season when UGA was going to “literally kill us on the field”
  6. USNALonghorn


    Was about to post that Mukuba is what Mitchell was to the team last year
  7. Jonathan Brooks had a much different playing style, though. It would be more appropriate for a bruiser like Derrick Henry or Trent Richardson to act like that. Either way, I’m not saying I’m a fan, but at least he puts his money when his mouth is.
  8. Good… I hope all of sports media keeps saying that we have no chance against OSU. If the betting line swells to double digits, it’ll be even better.
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