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Posts posted by USNALonghorn

  1. 45 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:


    according to some of the scores from Wonderland entered above, i suspect there will definitely be some surprises.


    True. Funny how there is a big difference between the predictions here and the actual prediction contest web page.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:


    what you quoted was my declaration, not my predictive score. so your response is nonsensical in that it moves the goalposts...eg. you’re covering your ass. poorly, i might add.

    so...which one do you bring issue with: my score prediction or my prediction of folks being surprise?


    This is way over your head, man. No one is moving the goalposts or covering their ass. I quoted what I quoted. What part of that do you not comprehend? You don’t have to answer that. I’ll break it down for you.

    You said “y’all in for a surprise today” to a bunch of Texas fans on a Texas message board. For over a week, we’ve heard from ESPN, the entire LSU starting lineup, and the rest of sports media about how we don’t have a chance in this game. If you’ve paid any attention, we clearly don’t give a shit. We know LSU is stacked. Aside from the few delusional posters, we all know it will be a hard fought game for us, where we can’t afford to make mistakes. We also know we have a coaching staff and a team that excels in this role. There won’t be anything surprising about this game.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:


    you really need me to explain this? you’re honestly not smart enough to understand my declaration?


    You missed my point, child. Your score prediction is a “declaration” of its own. You may carry on with your reetitive, unoriginal rhetoric.

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