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Posts posted by USNALonghorn

  1. 2 hours ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    I remember watching his first game at DKR and thinking he could win a Heisman. Dude was a gazelle. 

    He was the best player in college football the second half of the 07 season.

    I've often considered what may have been if he and Finley had played at UT in 08, but we kind of went to the 4-wide stuff and changed the offense because Irby (TE) got hurt and there was nobody to replace him, and because there was nobody in Jamaal's class at RB (though Ogbannaya was solid), so it probably wouldn't have been as awesome as it should have been anyway...

    That 2008 offense would have been disgusting. Colt, Jamaal, Jermichael, Quan, and Jordan Shipley with a supporting cast of M. Williams, Chris O., and Brandon Collins... Ho. Le. Fuck.

  2. On 8/15/2018 at 11:05 PM, TexArcher said:

    I'm all for civil liberties, too.  But yours end where mine begin, and herd immunity is a real thing.

    Parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids shouldn't be allowed to put them in public schools, or take them anywhere, really.

    This. Biological warfare shouldn’t fall under purview of civil liberties. They all should be charged with reckless endangerment for knowingly refusing to protect themselves and minors from a biological threat.

  3. OU being a 17 pt favorite has to be either trolling or galactic level of delusion (1-2 rungs within aggy level delusion). I know we’re replacing a lot on defense, but they are replacing a lot of playmakers and linemen on the offensive side of the ball. Whose fucking logic was this?

  4. The hillbillies are desperately looking for relevance and attention after winning their Super Bowl in Austin last year. That’s adorable. I hope our team is set on taking care of business up in Morgantown this year. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You're not fooling anyone here. Go peddle your bullshit on TexAgs.

    I’m here to have a debate. “Go peddle your bullshit on TexAgs” is not an educated reply. Try again.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Yes, we're all aware of the NRA's canned response after mass shootings. Polly want a cracker?

    And yet you keep posting in the active shooter thread. What’s your plan of action?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Oh yes by all means lets use this as a platform to push this fucking retardation again

    Yes, wishing that innocent victims had a chance to protect themselves is retardation. Grow the fuck up.

  8. Just watched the video of the shooting. That was some grizzly shit. I’m surprised Facebook hasn’t taken it down yet. Couldn’t help but wish that those people could have been carrying and at least had the chance to light that piece of shit up.

    • Like 1
  9. On 3/3/2019 at 4:44 PM, texifornia said:

    That arm/hand disparity is pretty great

    Imagine what his armspan would have been if he had huge hands.... he would have been a human gorilla 

  10. I can see him helping push the 2006 squad up to 11-1 and getting us to a BCS bowl had he stuck around. That squad had an amazing receiver corps and a great true running back with Jamaal Charles. Having him on the field in his hybrid role would have made it a nightmare for opposing defensive coordinators. Also, like mentioned above, he would have taken some pressure off of Colt McCoy and maybe not have forced him to run as much (possibly preventing KSU injury). Either way, 2006 would have been a much more memorable year.  

    If he had made it to 2007, Colt's sophomore slump may not be as severe and he could push us to win over OU, getting us to 10-2 and potentially a BCS bowl, as well.

    As far as national/all-time relevance goes, he would always have been hamstrung by the coaching staff. We could have the same debate about Marquise Goodwin and Jerrod Heard (as QB). Judging based on his athleticism and on-field performance, I believe he could have been a Tavon Austin or De'Anthony Thomas level player when paired with a good offensive mind at HC/OC. 

    I also would love to see what Tom Herman and Co. would do with a player like that.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Junior Miller said:

    Get ready for more of this shit. I've been saying for a while the military worship in America is fucking weird. A lot of them are decent humans no different than most people. But a lot are also crazy shitbags who went into the military because they were too stupid to get a proper education or were too big of trouble makers where it was a last resort option or they'd end up in prison. 

    Our veneration for war mongering and susceptibility to a jingoistic form of "patriotism" is troubling and needs to be addressed but no one ever talks about it. 

    I'm sure a lot of these "shitbags" are very glad they had an option with long hours, shit pay, and being like a child to bail them out!

  12. 20 hours ago, Junior Miller said:

    It's a fair question. If you're too pussy to eat it then so be it. I Curse both of you and may all the bad things in life happen to you two and only you two starting right now. 


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  13. On 10/26/2018 at 11:50 AM, sushihorn said:

    Last night Craig Way asked TH about his game rituals and superstitions.  Herman said he wasn't a superstitious person but he did have some rituals.  Then said they were more like neuroses and OCD behavior.  It's kinda funny that Herman sees himself that way.

    I watched The Accountant last night and the main character (Ben Affleck) reminded me of TH. /csb

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