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Greg Davis Apologist

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Everything posted by Greg Davis Apologist

  1. Just saw this thread. Great stories by all. I could probably write a novel about all of the times I've done them (from the mid 90's in East Texas fresh out the fields to now in Dallas). Just got a girl to start doing them with me in public (concerts). We did a trial run at an Incubus show in November and she did fine so we just made our pills for the Tool show in a couple of weeks. Should be a blast.
  2. Thanks and please accept my sincerest apologies. Mods, please delete this thread.
  3. https://welcometorockvillefestival.com/?utm_source=Welcome+to+Rockville&utm_campaign=dcc588d5b0-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_12_10_02_24&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_45c5966865-dcc588d5b0-127035235
  4. Incubus tomorrow night in Irving. Never been to that venue so I'm pretty stocked.
  5. They played Swamp Song in Philly a couple nights ago: https://www.jambase.com/article/tool-philadelphia-swamp-song-video I always liked that one and have never seen it live.
  6. Section 114, Row F in Dallas. I had two ladies in my office searching on separate computers at the same time as me. We all got in and chose the two best seats.
  7. Wasn't Urban in charge in 2018? I wonder what he knows about all of this.
  8. What's the worst possible outcome for Ohio St.? Because that's what I'm hoping for.
  9. Over/under on parking lot murders is 4.5
  10. Post it over on the gambling board when your done. Some of us need some winners.
  11. I've already purchased tickets to Welcome to Rockville at Daytona Beach for May. Only band they've announced is Metallica (two nights). Really hoping Rage is there too.
  12. Best show I’ve ever seen. Props to downtown Houston too. I thought the area was clean. I’ll have to back down more
  13. Lock of the Week: A dildo will be thrown on the field/sideline during the Bills/Patriots game https://www.gambling911.com/Will-Dildo-Be-Thrown-Onto-Field-During-Patriots-Bills-Game.html
  14. Rage just came on my Pandora and reminded me I'm going to see Tom Morello at HOB on October 29. Love watching him play
  15. Ole Miss almost beat Memphis last week. So they have that going for them.
  16. I've been listening since 5am and think Pnuema and Culling Voices are great. *7empest didn't originally download but I changed some settings on my phone and yeah, that song is nails...
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