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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. Roope’s best game of the playoffs so far
  2. Let’s get a third one here on the PP I feel like he’s showing a little pep tonight
  3. TNT coverage is light years ahead of ESPN
  4. Gotta take advantage of these PP’s because the chances will get evened out.
  5. 3 SOG in nearly 14 mins doesn’t seem aggresniff enough
  6. ESPN does it too. Just let the games overlap some if necessary.
  7. I loved Pawpaw Rod's "Hit Em Where It Hurts" and then I kind of lost track of him.
  8. Sorry, wasn't clear. I would've been OK if they'd decided to kick the shit out of him like he was a person of color. And he would've deserved just about every bit of it.
  9. "You're treating me like a black person!"
  10. One of those special times when I'd look the other way WRT some heavy-handed law enforcement.
  11. Yeah, he seemed fine. His in-between-song banter is absolutely unintelligible. It's like a mashup of Liverpudlian and Scottish. I don't remember that from the previous couple of times I saw them many, many moons ago. Have no clue on the opener as we missed that.
  12. Hey, I wish he'd post more. That way I don't have to go looking for other posts of his to neg his ass to Bolivia! Maybe not now as a 45-year-old who lived a pretty fast life but Stormy in her early '00s porn days was pretty much everything you could ask for from a porn star.
  13. Just scrolled through that dude's Twitter feed. Can't even imagine being 17 and wasting time on the shit that he's wasting it on.
  14. Echo & the Bunnymen were a fun time at HOB Dallas last night. Second show of the tour so Ian's voice was probably as good as could be expected. Love Will's guitar work.
  15. I'll just park this here. Evangelicals see Trump's Hedonism as 'Godly Masculinity' https://www.yahoo.com/news/opinion-evangelicals-see-trump-hedonism-084605187.html
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