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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. Good finds. Those are fun to read. I admittedly don't follow too much until they get to Dallas. Any of the other guys discussed still in our future, or have they washed out already?
  2. I kind of wish Cohen would dial back on that a little bit. It was amusing for a bit but at some point, I think you see diminishing returns and it's really unnecessary.
  3. Reminded me of a great story Walton Goggins told on Seth Meyers a few weeks back when he was on promoting Fallout. Apparently, Goggins' dad is quite the character. This is what he basically wears every single day -- with TONS of turquoise. So he gets noticed a lot. He carries around signed autograph pictures of himself that he gives out to people when they ask him who he is. In addition, he also has pictures of his son Walton, the true famous guy, and offers those as well. (The kicker is that Walton Jr's pics are signed by Walton Sr. I'll see if I can find the portion of the interview because it was the funniest, most endearing late-night talk show interview segment I've seen in many years.) Found it -- hoping this starts about 6:32 where he says Baby Billy's character/look is partly inspired by his dad. If clip doesn't start there, scrub to 6:32.
  4. Saw this last night on Kimmel. I'm insane now, Chuck.
  5. FBI has Ladybugs' phone after a hacker tried to trick him into thinking he was communicating with Chuck Schumer. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/may/1/sen-lindsey-graham-reveals-potential-phone-hack-in/
  6. I will always love the OG Egg McMuffin. No shame.
  7. And, lo and behold, Hockey Stat Cards says Harley was our second-best skater last night. Welp, see ya later!
  8. I'd have to go back and look. It was a weird hop but at that stage of the game with a 1-goal lead, you cannot get yourself in bad situations like that. It seems like Harley's play has dipped exponentially from the regular season to the postseason thus far, at least moreso than any other Star.
  9. Dying too. https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/02/boeing-whistleblower-dies-suddenly-claiming-safety-flaws-ignored-20760390/
  10. A few of us have picked on Otter for seemingly lackadaisical focus and/or letting in the occasional softy but he made a game-saving stop on Stephenson last night in the waning mins. Heard this stat this AM — he’s faced 56 shots in this series in 116 mins of 3rd period and overtime and has made all 56 stops.
  11. I’m really looking forward to this. I assumed it was done after S2 and hadn’t heard S3 was even being worked on, much less coming out within a few days of finding out.
  12. https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C6b0orMOVF1/?xmt=AQGz6eIgeRsgqbnJOsQ176A06i51y7qpnZ0oGXhKR_UNjA
  13. https://www.threads.net/@aaron.rupar/post/C6cs1IVAT7g/?xmt=AQGzze0LUmafpBHUXmuL0T5SopH4pdzuH7pModwZa8Xr4w
  14. Mastodonic save from Otter! Let’s do this!
  15. Unbelievable part is they first called it a 5-minute major and that had to he CORRECTED!!!!
  16. Brushed his nose if anything at all. Theodore sold the shit out of that. Why isn’t Razor up in arms over that????
  17. There need to be penalties on Vegas for this. Seguin did nothing there.
  18. Would be really nice to put one of these good opps into the Vegas net
  19. You mean it’s bad goalie positioning to play from inside the goal? Hmm. Learn something new every day.
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