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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. Refs had a terrible G1 in this building. They’re off to another terrible start.
  2. Gary Peterson never ceases to amaze me. Love that dude. He’s doing God’s work.
  3. Got a notification from Kevin McKinney that Soulhat is having another show 7/27 at Antone’s. A couple buddies of mine went to see them last year in Austin at another reunion deal. Loved every minute of it, apparently.
  4. Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of — not ready to throw that down just yet.
  5. Adin Hill was great in the first two months of the 23/24 season but was pretty dreadful in 18 starts from Feb to now. Think he’s battled some injury issues this season.
  6. Agree on both counts. Look at the metrics and Thompson has not been their biggest problem but he has looked a little discombobulated back there a few times and probably could’ve been dinged a few more times. Plus, Hill is the who led them ultimately to the Cup. I expected him for Game 2 after the softy Marchment goal but then he won and was insanely good in G3 loss. This does feel like a coach making a reactionary move. At least I hope it is. The Lundkvist thing is strange. Clearly DeBoer doesn’t trust him at this point. Is there not a guy we can dress who we’d use more than 90-120 seconds per night unless somebody goes down with injury. Sucks that he cost us a 1st round pick.
  7. Adin Hill between the pipes for Vegas tonight
  8. I see you're familiar my ex wife.
  9. Has anybody found a good tortilla press for flour? I’ve seen the one Masienda offers for $100 or so but I read a comment or two that make it seem like it doesn’t work as well on flour as corn and everything on that site is geared toward corn. I’m looking for something to help make more uniform shape/size flour tortillas quicker than rolling them out, which is a time suck.
  10. I didn't know who @Longhornlove was until late last night. Yeah, I know there are far worse posters on this site who do far more damage than this guy could. I was just commenting that it's been a long time since I've seen somebody who was basically flying under the radar for the most part to become such a lightning rod of stupidity in less than 12 hours.
  11. Trump could -- and probably should -- go down as the worst American the world has ever seen (and believe me, we've had some real shit-birds). I say that without any hint of hyperbole. He's a convicted rapist, a business cheat his entire life, a serial philanderer and would like to destroy 250+ years of American Democracy and become president/dictator-for-life. Biden has his issues but they pale in comparison to the wart-infested orange pustule that he's running against. That Biden isn't 20 points clear of this asshole is a grotesque statement of where this country currently sits.
  12. 100% agreed and I had that basically written out and deleted it. Pegging fetishists are WAY up the rankings ladder ahead of these moronic MAGA types. I was implying that I haven't seen somebody commit Surly Seppuku quite so spectacularly as this. Those were better days when a simple pegging fetish was enough to "banish" somebody to the hinterlands. Goddamn this simulation.
  13. P.S. You're a moron. This is @NowThis-like Surly self-immolation.
  14. Remember this moron: https://www.businessinsider.com/florida-restaurant-owner-desantis-supporter-forced-fire-undocumented-staff-2023-8 (Full disclosure -- I actually went to one of this guy's restaurants in Tampa many years ago when I was there for a wedding with my wife. It was quite good. But, oops, those unintended circumstances. Forced to pay $500K fine and let go all of his undocumented employees.)
  15. Rep Leger Fernandez with receipts: https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C6ZRvHIhBOn/?xmt=AQGznhaPYxZTpgPtGURwhsnZrOLyiwSRqSaA3_h1oI7aJw
  16. Doug Burgrum says if you’re a billionaire you should vote for Trump because he’s going to work for you! https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C6Z7J99xbKA/?xmt=AQGzXnJ4sSMupTrsVG73O0DMqZKUwgwiEPliR09LlDTNOQ
  17. BTW, caught Owen Newkirk on one of the spare midday Ticket shows when I was out running an errand earlier. He said Faksa took part in the optional pregame skate yesterday, which indicates he's closer to returning to the lineup than Marchment, who took part in activities before the optional workout. Newkirk said Faksa is probably a player as soon as he can get back in but also doesn't discount what fill-ins like Dellandrea and Craig Smith have given the team in the two games in Vegas.
  18. Read what @Dbeasy says below. Remember the old saying: You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. Perfectly said. And cross-posting because I think it's worth seeing Carville's thoughts in a couple different places:
  19. Here's the article in full: https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/
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