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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. My post immediately before yours. They see a problem that there are too many "illegals" who are sucking up local resources so let's get rid of them ASAP. It's especially a big deal in our Texas economy that depend on these folks to work in our restaurants, build homes, do yard work, clean houses -- all the shit we do not want to do ourselves. Guess what -- run these people off and you're either doing it yourself or paying somebody MORE to do the job.
  2. So much tent talk. Sheesh. Personally, I think camping tents indicate that protesters are setting up camp and plan to sleep/live there for the duration. It's not about getting out of the sun, etc. It's to antagonize. Let them set up canopies if they must but break them down or vacate them at a certain time each day. There is middle ground on this deal -- and I say that with full realization that Abbott/Hartzell and his goons may not give two-shits about finding middle ground and are reverting to fascist tendencies. But the minute "infintada" or "pro-Hamas" shit comes up on the West Mall, this thing needs to be shut down with extreme prejudice (no head-cracking, just clearing them out peacefully) as it's no longer simply support for the innocent Palestines in Gaza. (I also say this with full-on hatred of Netanyahu and what the opportunism 10/7 has given him to -- in his mind -- eradicate as many Palestinians as he can reasonably get rid of before he's told to stand down or else.) This is a gigantic shit sandwich and is threatening to take our collective eyes of the real (and scary) issues that our country is facing if we allow it.
  3. It's more that people can't see much further down the road than what is immediately in front of them, causal effects be damned (if even considered).
  4. I don't think it's that simple. He's playing nearly 30 mins per night. He's getting ALL the matchups. He just doesn't look his usual silky smooth self and I think it might be because of Vegas' style of play. It's rough and rugged with big defenders who pack the slot tightly in the defensive zone. However, Miro was the best-rated skater on the ice in Game 3.
  5. Woof. This is a bad take. Really bad take.
  6. Also, and I'm trying to remember exactly but I don't think he looked particularly good last year in the Vegas series. I could be wrong. (I checked -- he was a team-worst -7 in the WCF last season.)
  7. Yeah, I'm starting to become worried that this could spiral into a real issue for the fall election. I'm hoping it will die down over the summer as many kids go home and we (hopefully) get a cease-fire of some sort in Gaza. But the shit's getting worse at Columbia and at other campuses across the nation. I'm sure Trump is loving the chaos. We cannot lose focus and that is doing whatever it takes to defeat Trump in November.
  8. I didn't think he looked great last night but, yes, the minutes might be taking an effect especially since we're rolling with just five defensemen.
  9. Zeke https://www.threads.net/@lememe_james/post/C6XNY3tSzmB/?xmt=AQGzGwGDzjhAhWrDREEQE9Nri_SpWWTSFsisdn4LB39kgw
  10. Man, I've always thought of the Maple Leafs as my Eastern Conference team -- great uniforms, great (albeit old) history. I was a huge Doug Gilmour fan and then Mats Sundin in the early 00's when I was actually helping cover hockey for a living. I've been waiting on their "Boston Red Sox moment" for 20+ years. But it's gotten tiresome to see the same old team year after year after year. The Leafs really are Charlie Brown trying to kick the football and I might actually be rooting for their demise tonight. I don't mind Boston and happy to see Jim Montgomery's career resurgence so I think I'm pulling for the B's. Florida-Boston in R2 would be delightful. Rangers-Carolina on the other side and that's a hell of a East Final Four. So I'll take that -- and Dallas-Colorado, Vancouver-Edmonton in the West. I think I'd like that very much.
  11. And that will be hilarious. @Francisco 2.0, mucho gusto for posting the NYT blog entries. Remind me, though. Don't they read from the bottom up from how you're copying/pasting? I think that's how they were last week but a few seem like they could be read "normally." Again, thanks for doing God's work on this.
  12. As an addendum to the above, Heiskanen's -3.80 game score in G4 was his second-worst grade of the season. He was -4.49 against in the Stars' 6-3 loss to Colorado back on 11/18/23. His third-worst game was in our 7-3 loss to Calgary on 11/24/23 so that was a rough week for Miro.
  13. My apologies for not posting these for Games 2 and 3. Here's the Dallas skater stat card for Game 4: According to this, Tanev was our best skater last night. Can't really argue with that. He was +3 after all and I thought he was extremely solid, especially considering the way we bunkered down to protect the 3-2 lead. Going down this list, I noticed Lindell a couple of times as well, perhaps most when he got a stick in to break up a chance in the third that was about to be a dangerous scoring chance down low to Otter's left. IIRC, it was basically a wide open net if Lindell doesn't lift the Vegas' player's stick. I liked Duchene and Dadonov's game too. That said, we cannot have names like Miro, Robo, Harley and Hintz at the bottom of this list. Roope had a heroic final 60 seconds after a dreadful game prior to that. Miro's chart is putrid -- probably one of the worst of the season. He had a game-worst -3.80 game score. As I said a couple of times last night, that game was not very pleasing aesthetically. It is not one you show to non or casual hockey fans who you're trying to convert BUT a win is a win is a win. And we got it. If we can get by the Knights, I think the next round likely against Colorado could be some breath-taking hockey and I hope we get to see it. But I digress ... The full game stat card shows Otter was solid, it not spectacular. He gave up two goals -- one pretty soft one -- and had an XGA of 2.92. On the other side, Logan Thompson continues to outplay his XGA. In G3, it was near six and he gave up only three. Last night it was 4.64 and he let in three -- two were greasy AF "puck luck" goals off the side of his head and Dellandrea's shoulder. Still, he looks like he's completely out of sorts in some scrambles and I'm wondering if they use the eye test and throw Cup-winning Adin Hill out there to change things up. Then I look at Thompson's stats and it appears he's playing brilliantly. At any rate, the Stars should be commended for getting this series back even after it looked really fucking bleak last week. It's a best-of-3 and the Stars have (shudder) home ice advantage.
  14. Basically what I wanted to say but couldn't at midnight last night. Well put. The current alternative to a less-than-perfect Biden is terrifying.
  15. He wants to forgive all student debt. He wants to give women autonomy over their own bodies. What the fuck is the other side doing about their “issues”?
  16. Jake was really good tonight. Wyatt, Robo and Miro were -2’s Everything Vegas seemed stuck in mud. Shitty building tonight too. Is there any chance of Marchment or Faksa the rest of the series? What about Hakaanpa?
  17. Roope!!!!!!!!! I never doubted you for a second!
  18. That building is dead-ass silent. Hope it stays that way.
  19. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop taking amphetamines.
  20. I stand by my root canal comment. The only “pretty” thing about this game is the current score. This shit ugly AF.
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