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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by C-Man

  1. There is NOTHING around there but train tracks, parks, and a highway.
    You could have a music festival every night after the last match and no one would ever know.

    I realize that. When I say “curfew” I was wondering if there was a point where it was last call so to speak.

    Fed ain’t got it tonight, I don’t think. He isn’t winning a tie-break in the fourth.
  2. Bro, this is NYC, not Wimbly. They’re playing until they’re done. 

    I remember the old days of the Late Night Open coverage on CBS — don’t watch much tennis anymore. If this goes five, it might be 3AM local time before this ends!
  3. I worked a few Mack Brown press conferences.  They didn't pre-screen questions, but there were a limited number of questions allowed, a number that was lower than hands in the air, so the questions got rationed, uh... somehow.
    My wife was working with Mack's daughter at the time, and one day after a PC, I went up and introduced myself, mentioned this to him and talked a bit.  I was selected to ask him a question at the next PC I went to.

    Now my experience is from more than 20 years ago (Mackovic/early MBTF days) but there used to be two pressers — one for TV/radio and then one for the writers. Assume that’s still the same. The “in-depth” questions would be asked by the writers *after* broadcast got their soundbites. Most of those questions were softballs. I don’t know if they still do it that way.
  4. When we hire a new coach eventually, I think it needs to be someone who's proven they can rebuild a program from the ground up. I don't want anyone who walked into a good situation and made them better. I think Muschamp fits the bill if he gets South Carolina to 10+ wins this year. This might sound ridiculous, but our players are just used to losing. The program is mired in a culture of losing, and I think there's a good chance Herman is going to lose the locker room if he can't beat at least one of USC/TCU.

    The idea of Boom coming back is intriguing. I think he’s learned a lot about being a HC. Curious to see how 2018 plays out for him. Pair him with somebody like Coach Bro at OC and I could get excited about that. Well, at least moreso than Herman at this point.
    This will backfire especially since he’s an “offensive”coach. Strong was a defensive coach and our D looked like shit in his years 2&3. Some narcissistic shit there.
    PS, I’m more pissed that cockface Stoops left OU’s program in great shape for Riley to walk in with continuity and keep on trucking. Mack tried to burn down the house. It’s water under the bridge but DeLoss is probably responsible for us being in this situation. Plus LHN. I haven’t been this pissed 2 days after a loss since the 08 Tech game. Trying to convince myself that this is a child’s game and not care so damn much. Rant over.

    I don’t think Stoops had time to burn it down if he’d wanted to. I’m not 100% certain he was truly ready to step down before last season. You gotta hand it to the Sooners — they got their shit locked down tight.
    • Like 1
  6. Please site any source on these investment opportunities he's engaged in all the time  and making shit loads of money from according to you.

    You seem a little unhinged. I don’t have any sources. Just things I’ve heard. He’s already well-compensated thru his salary, if he’s making more in deals thru rich alums, even better. He’s a god in FW and his wife loves it there. He can coach coach there as long as he wants. Take the UT job and if he doesn’t turn it around in 2-3 years he’s on the hot seat.
    • Like 1
  7. Jesus. Who pissed in your corn flakes. I’ve gone to see coach p speak in fw a handful of times and it’s pretty obvious that he does not care for the university, Austin or Texas football. Of course money changes things, but he is already making a shit ton at tcu. There’s always more I guess. I don’t think he would take the job regardless. Unless it was full blown aggy money. 

    In addition to his annual salary, I hear Patterson is included in rich dude’s investment opportunities all the time and is making shit piles of money there. He ain’t going anywhere.
  8. Andrew Luck and Eli Manning are frighteningly ugly human beings. Luck could scare vultures off of a meat wagon. I don’t think your theory holds up, although I will agree that Ehlinger certainly trends mongoloid in appearance. 

    This guy says hold my beer

    • Like 1
  9. Don't want this to sound like an insult, but Sam is just a funny-looking dude. No homo (but NTTAWWT), I legitimately can't think of a good QB that was also unattractive. It's why I don't have high hopes for Rising or Thompson either. We need to recruit better looking people at QB. 

    Please tell me my sarcasm meter is on the fritz?
  10. 13 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    He's in his late 60s. No dice. But you are thinking correctly -- find somebody who wins all the fucking time, and hire them. 



    Dabo turns 49 this year, by the way. Just sayin'.

    I'd take Carroll in a heartbeat at this point. Let him come down, coach 4-5 years and then retire. Hopefully, the program would be in a better position to attract the next coach who will stay 10+ years and be successful.

    • Like 2
  11. No.
    If u put in shane to beat up on the cupcake you destroy the team. Shane will fuck up under real pressure like USC will give.
    The way you beat usc, is you start running the fucking ball. I donno if that means fire Tim " faggot" Beck, but at this point if TH doesn't figure it out hes gonna be fucked here at Texas. I donno if timmy isthe problem, but he needs to fix it. 
    Houston struggled against Rice 2 years removed from TH so that tells me he's a great coach. If he can fix this offense and have them killin mother fuckers like the 2nd quarter drive I'll be fine. 
    Tre and Keo as well as Danny have enough to take this team to the big12 championship. I love the receivers too, but I don't see it working the pass/run balance they currently have. I also dont see it working with the simple read and speed option they are running. You gotta have more plays. You gotta have more offense than that.
    F U C K 

    O-line got zero push today. How are we gonna run the ball consistently? I like next to nothing about this offense.
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