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Everything posted by blackmarketbaby

  1. You ate your sons free ice cream cone? That's pretty mean.
  2. I liked it better when you pussies were wailing at that canuck faggot. The curmudgeon neighbor is universal
  3. Fresh take by Fastbreak I thought about voting too Dan
  4. Humanity is in a war of redistribution of power, wealth, and fame from one society to another while all the time those responsible for causing the fight are never accused and believed to be the ones that are fixing the problems. But that is what makes characters believable and genders playing the role worthless.
  5. Is this what those FEMA body boxes were really for?
  6. My mom told me Wal-Mart is the new pick up station of original thought
  7. This isn't what about I like. My inner 3 year old would like to throw Trump into jail without a trial. Something fucked up happened to you. Your silvery spoon sowed the enamel
  8. We seperate children Cunt bitch Relay topics not optics
  9. Holy shit, I could NOT while we keep kids in cages
  10. https://youtu.be/MfzmCI9-aKY A little gameplay footage.
  11. What's his take on mass shootings?
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