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Everything posted by blackmarketbaby

  1. You must be part of the authoritarian bloc of trolls
  2. Should I make that out from brianna
  3. I've read your name Brianna until now
  4. Describe self evident results not comprised by incomplete theories or theologies backed up with inaccurate rounded off figures that are never completely accurate by any stretched imagination, while educating to believe symbols are more significant than the substance they define metaphorically.
  5. America's conflicts with Islam are nearly as old as America itself - and Europe's date back far longer. It should come as a wake up call for those blaming Islamic violence on "American imperialism" that our conflict with the Muslim world far predates anything that could be considered as such.
  6. Humble brag?
  7. So when everyone does it, everyone is equally guilty regardless the validity of character they are justified in protecting religiously, politically, economically, and relatively relating to acting the same way using different excuses educated as facts humanity has the right to tell humans who they are each generation playing reality's games of hide and seek what is really going on.
  8. Then why even reply Paul?
  9. Think of the dialects within just the english language. In the subjectivity of math we have addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, geometry, physics, does metaphysics come here or under quantum physics or psychiatry, anyway, plus economic theory that comes from geometric compounding as it relates to ancestry of single ancestors looking back for clues as to how they came to exist in the same moment shared by all of them.
  10. The orchestra of reality. politics are the percussion section. religion or beliefs in general are the horns and harps. sciences are the woodwinds and reeds. economics is the strings that bind to whole symphany of syllables the few have composed to manage the many by the sweet poetry of self deception. Reality is the living Hell people impose upon themselves with laws that give rights to characters while demanding liberties be sold to pay the costs of listening to the melody called humanity.
  11. Pedophile?
  12. I just realized you're a male
  13. Take note hugo
  14. Ask about work Shove number
  15. Thread title checks out
  16. Only a coordinator could lose someone in the well
  17. How excitable is the American?
  18. I'm not into romance novels. Tell you're book club I said hi though
  19. fify
  20. Let's act like here is any semblance of a plan. Like the good ole' days
  21. How afraid are you?
  22. I remember when the cloak room wasn't a quarantine zone
  23. There was never a reason who would take the short bus in this thread but it might be a mutiny
  24. Last I heard about moves on eastern front
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