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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. Nixon: also elected. Also a criminal. Nunes is 100% a traitor
  2. If they were so reckless with this, you have to wonder what else Trump has been doing on a regular basis. Biden probably isn't even going to be the nominee for christ sakes. Why risk this shit?
  3. The thought of Trump being finished just....just like that...is wild. I don't know if we're there yet but with the signals coming from republicans it's going to be really hard to bury this and a shit ton more will come out now as the dam breaks. In other news, I stand to make $400 on predictit if Trump doesn't make it to the end of the year.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if republicans right now are trying to figure out if they can get rid of Trump and blame the democrats. Get him to resign and pin on the Dems. Win win.
  5. Other fascinating thing about that call is Zelensky makes a point to 1) tell Trump how great he is and 2) casually mention he's stayed at a Trump hotel. Probably typical of these calls.
  6. Nice. Biden collapse likely imminent. Where do status quo Dems go? Harris? Buttigie? Beto?
  7. Can't wait for Bill Barr to come out at 10 AM today with his summary of principal conclusions of the Whistleblower complaint.
  8. These ads are Awesome. Fuck yeah. Let's make it happen.
  9. Did this thread just spend a day talking about the Native American thing? Come on guys. Meanwhile, Liz is quickly approaching frontrunner status: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/24/elizabeth-warren-new-hampshire-poll-1509486 New polling conducted since the last Democratic presidential primary debate shows Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden separating from the pack — and notably, from Bernie Sanders — in three key early-voting states. A Monmouth University poll conducted in New Hampshire and released Tuesday gives Warren a 2-point lead over Biden, 27 percent to 25 percent, well within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.
  10. He "faltered" in the Senate race because the GOP spent an unprecedented amount to defeat him and sent in the President at the last minute to turn out their base. He's been persuasive on the gun issue...and on immigration at times, though he had that deer in the headlights look in the first debate. Its his passion that makes him persuasive. And he's struggled in the primary because 1) crowded and impressive field, 2) bad strategy out of the gate and 3) intense scrutiny from left and right when he launched, both saw him as a threat.
  11. Exactly. Chuck Schumer should resign his leadership position. Bunch of cowards.
  12. Going to a fundraiser here in northern Virginia for state house delegates on Monday. First fundraiser like this I've been too. Going to do a bunch of blockwalkongnfor the four delegates too. 2020, I'm all in for Liz. Will help Beto too if he gets a bit more competitive where I think he has a shot at getting on the ticket.
  13. I suppose Putin could see the writing on the wall with his agent and is calling in his chips before the election year. I just don't see any reason to believe this considering what's already out there on the contents of the WB complaint.
  14. Hasn't bit been eatablished that the wb complaint is about conversations with Ukraine's Pres?
  15. Michael Moore can be divisive but I see this as significant for Beto, just the recognition of leadership. I liked this one from the comments: Beto may yet gain some steam. I think he'll be uniquely positioned to pick up a lot of Biden support when he collapses having progressive bonafides with a demonstrated willingness to take action but still somehow being able to preach unity. After his early stumbles people started writing him off, attributing his success more to: "maybe it was just standing next to Ted Cruz", which I think is wrong. Would be great to see him pick up a significant number of delegates to help with a legit run to get on the ticket. Warren-Beto all the way.
  16. This is really blowing up on Twitter. As usual, she's right. Nov 2020 can't get here soon enough. https://twitter.com/ewarren/status/1175192494734266369?s=19
  17. So will President Warren's Fed Chair appointee, Treasury Secretary, CFPB head, FTC chair, SEC Chair, FCC Chair, etc, etc.
  18. My internet still sucks and I only have one choice. Just saying.
  19. This seems on the scale of firing Comey. So we can expect nothing to happen.
  20. Those are good steps. I just don't know if it's enough. To stop this you really have to cut down on the number of guns. Maybe the regulation and changing views of the gun culture would be enough but I don't know. It's important to always remember with these discussions that republicans have been unwilling to even pass universal background checks.
  21. And criminals would have fewer of them because we would have fewer guns in our society. And when a sociopath completely loses it and wants to go shoot people up it would be more difficult for hm to acquire the guns and ammo to do it. If you take these guns out of society, we would absolutely have fewer mass shootings and fewer casualties when they do happen. Those that are defending keeping thesew eapons widely and easily available --and democrats who stay silent on the issue--are saying a few mass shootings a month are worth it. I think most Americans disagree on that and public opinion continues to change.
  22. More than that. He could also be prosecuted. And probably would because this is the world we live in.
  23. There was a really good oped published in the last week on the gun hysteria being the epitome of republicans commitment to minority rule but I can't find it again. Edit: found it. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/18/opinion/assault-rifle-ban.html "The premise of Trumpist populism is that the political preferences of a shrinking minority of citizens matter more than democracy." " Bear in mind a critical point: A buyback law could not take effect without approval from majorities in both houses of Congress and endorsement by the president. This is all but impossible without unified Democratic control of government; in fact, because our electoral system puts Democrats at a forbidding structural disadvantage, especially in the Senate, Democrats would need to command overpowering supermajority support to turn such a proposal into law. In that light, all of these ominous “there will be violence” warnings clearly imply that it simply doesn’t matter whether or not mandatory buyback legislation is enacted by duly elected representatives of the American people with an extraordinary popular mandate, because the wildly outvoted minority would nevertheless be right to regard the law as an intolerable injustice that warrants retaliatory violence. Just ask them."
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