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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. Wow. Who are elected representatives to have an opinion on the direction of our country? What an absolute piece of shit.
  2. The smart move would be to drop out and work on organizing Texas and advocating on immigration. Don't run. Support candidates in Texas up and down the ballot using his donor network and volunteer network. Run for Governor or for Cruz's seat again in 2022 when the time is right.
  3. Very Luddite of you. Stop innovation? Really?
  4. This is a top 5 issue imo and only one candidate, Andrew Yang, is talking about it. It's crystal clear it's coming and even if everything resets in the end that's going to take a ton of time. Meanwhile, a ton of people are going to be out of work. Unions and some dems think preventing automation is the answer. Republicans thinks growth will magically take care of everything. Both are wrong. https://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-to-retrain-a-third-of-its-u-s-workforce-11562841120 From the article: Amazon has been criticized for its treatment of workers in recent years by labor groups and lawmakers. For example, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted in March that the company must “significantly improve working conditions at its warehouses” and respect workers’ rights to form a union. On Thursday, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which has been pushing to organize Amazon workers, said it opposed the retraining program. The group said Amazon’s adoption of automation would “lead to massive job losses that could cripple our entire economy.” Andrew Yang sums it up well on Joe Rogan:https://youtu.be/cTsEzmFamZ8
  5. You'd also have to account for former presidents born in Kenya who stole a SS # to forge a birth certificate. Lot of challenges.
  6. "medical appointments" 2-4 times a day.
  7. Vic Mackey is in a rock band?
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/11/arts/music/transgender-opera-singers.html
  9. Excellent. Let the GOP civil war begin. Pelosi and AOC needs to sort things out and keep their eyes on the prize. Democrats could end up hostoric congressional gains and the white house on election night.
  10. Presidents before didn't separate kids from their parents on a mass scale or treat legitimate asylum seekers like animals. If they did, yeah let's look at that. But they didn't. Trump did and do so by violating the law.
  11. The credit rating system is pretty fucked up and in need of greater oversight and regulation. When my wife and I bought our first home, I boosted our scores 100-150 points just moving debt around. Most people don't have that ability or knowledge that they can do it but it doesn't make them any less credit worthy. There's also been a cottage industry spring up around manipulating scores similar to what I did. People rely on that for guidance to improve scores but then the ratings companies can change the formulas on whim. It's definitely another source of inequity in our lives economic system.
  12. Very Real and Very Great. The Greatest.
  13. Stable Genius not very good at fractions?
  14. How long until we get a tweet about him being an Obama Judge? How many tweets about Judges doing their job before Roberts says something again? Every tweet hurts the chances Roberts would allow the citizenship question under any justification.
  15. Guess MJ's military service doesn't count for Cornyn as "public service." Hope she uses that quote.
  16. Uh oh, here comes the alternate facts again.
  17. Damn I love her. She got me for another $50. Just got a notice my t-shirts and bumper stickers shipped. Nothing on yard sign yet.
  18. Thanks. What happened to that Jane Doe accusation? I remember the mainstream media wouldn't touch it and then the accuser declined to go public. Know of a story summing it up? This latest Epstein stuff made me think of it. Edit: Nevermind, someone posted huff po summary below. And don't think for a minute Trump supporters won't explain rape of a teenager away like they have everything else.
  19. So weird he keeps thanking Obama.
  20. They deserve it. Everyone working on this are either (1) political appointees who volunteered to work for this human repository of corruption and deceit or (2) career attorneys who stuck around knowing this was coming and having better options.
  21. Answer. It's technically a separate event. "A Capitol Fourth" concert: John Stamos will host a star-studded concert from 8 p.m to 9:30 p.m. featuring Carole King, Vanessa Williams, Colbie Caillat, the National Symphony Orchestra and the Sesame Street Muppets on the U.S. Capitol West Lawn. King made it clear to her followers the concert she's participating in is not "T's political rally," sharing a cartoon announcing her appearance along with a distant Trump https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/451401-trumps-salute-to-america-a-guide-to-the-dc-fourth-of-july
  22. How the fuck did Sesame Street get roped into this? Why would they go along with it?
  23. But on Monday, the Republican National Committee said they had received tickets to the Fourth of July event for distribution. Although the event is free and open to the public, the RNC tickets can get people access to better viewing areas and seating. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1025786 Spending a ton of the people's money to turn a public event normally run by the Parks Service into a political rally AND fundraiser. How the fuck does this not violate hundreds of campaign finance laws? Also, politicization of the military. This guy is going full dictator.
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