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  1. Huge fan of sheas work and really enjoyed this. The uncles are all hilarious in their own ways.
  2. Thanks for link, just grabbed 3. Should be fun game to take my son to!
  3. Same here so if you can find two for sale, I’d be down!
  4. SOLD! Admin please delete if possible, not seeing how to do that in Tapatalk app
  5. Prices on StubHub are now $375ish after fees so id take anything around that for each ticket. If anybody is interested, Lmk and we can work out.
  6. Because my son is too young to really enjoy this type of football atmosphere and don’t want to risk being in the bathroom with him and whatnot
  7. 2 tickets, section 31 row 34, $400 each Or other option would be 2 tickets, section 31 row 15 $500 each OBO Selling two tickets next to each other. Hit me up before StubHub takes all our $$$
  8. Well… I felt like we really kicked this things ass but now my wife is having some heart complications. She had pre existing heart palpitations so this was always a worry for us but now her heart seems to be acting up differently. Me and my son feel good and fully recovered but it sucks that she’s going through this, poor thing. She also took paxlovid and we didn’t. Doctors think it very well could be after effect of Covid
  9. Bummer it got to my wife and son now, but at least we can all hang out now. Super worried about my son since he is only 4 and no vax, his fever hit 103.7 yesterday. Cooled him down and he’s in the 99/100 now but had a rough night sleeping and would wake up and with some creepy laugh/cry thing with the chills he had. Poor lil dude. Wife took paxlovid yesterday and has not had any fever/chills/body aches yet, just congestion. I agree on the roller coaster, there was a period Tuesday and Wednesday where I thought was all good then it t would hit again. Feel pretty good today since I got some deep sleep I think. Hope we can all recover well soon.
  10. First timer here as well, seems to be going crazy. I woke up Sunday with a scratchy throat but didn’t think much of it. Later that night, felt some chills and body aches and thought maybe it was because I was out in the sun. Slept on couch to be safe and woke up yesterday with more aches so tested myself before my family woke up. Told wife I was positive and she went all out on cleaning and disenfecting and locked me up in room. Woke up this morning in a pool of sweat but not as bad yesterday I guess. Took shower and hacked up a bit but not too congested so far. Hope the wife and kid can stay clear. I feel pretty bad already and will feel worse if they end up sick as we have been very cautious past few years. For reference I had Johnson then Moderna booster.
  11. Bo

    Classic Car thread

    Pops probably shoulda brought out his white 50 suburban too but happy 4th! [emoji631]
  12. Bo

    Classic Car thread

    I didn’t make the pate swap meet this year but my pops and his crew were all there reppin. Got a few pics from Thursday and Friday. Best weather for the event in a long time.
  13. Gonzaga (1) Houston (5) Auburn (2) Kentucky (2) Saint Mary’s (5) Loyola Chicago (10) Alabama (6) Iowa (5) Tie Breaker - Houston (5)
  14. This nails it pretty well. One thing I’m seeing is that the product service/delivery is getting much more complicated with the half ass customer support/workforce. These teams that are supposed to deliver the goods are under lots of pressure and may be bleeding with lots of turnover as well. It really does make the salesperson’s job much more difficult when you can’t be super confident in that tenured (or not so tenured) delivery team. With many businesses being remote now, there is less rapport building with support/implementation and sales teams, leading to more of the blame game. Not to mention, sales needing to ensure more aspects of the delivery on top of new biz dev & account management. For reference, I changed companies in April for better pay/opportunity but stayed in the same industry. I sell HR services like payroll, benefits, etc. to SMBs.
  15. Anybody else have Chevy truck legends profiles set up? Created one for my dad (and my blazer) and he’s currently on the front page featured with a few of his trucks. https://www.chevytrucklegends.com/us/en/gallery.html?evar36=eml_ch_TL_Complete_0220_17528265562#
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