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Everything posted by mushroomface

  1. Best chili I have made so far.
  2. Soon...
  3. Jesus, that is horrible. I can't even imagine going through that. Thoughts and prayers.
  4. Get boudin at the Best Stop in Scott.
  5. Two versions of the map. A version that starts fresh each year, and the other that is a continuation of the first year.
  6. Did they return the missing property to Army Brat?
  7. Butterkäse imo. A block of it never lasts long in my house.
  8. Mr Phlegm is awful. Are we able to ignore posts on this site yet?
  9. Makes sense if they pack their airplanes like they do their trains.
  10. I had one of those in my office. I celebrated the day he quit. He came into work one day, got sick, and puked in his trash can. Ok fine, it happens. He proceeds to stay at work, and ended up puking again shortly thereafter. Had to go tell HR to make him go home. Disgusting. Also, not trivial.
  11. On top of that, the amount of people glued to their phones on the freeway is astounding. I saw one yesterday on 290 watching fucking youtube.
  12. People who walk across lanes of traffic in a parking lot diagonally instead of straight across.
  13. Fuck yes. I came to post this place. The old sparky kills it. "Deep-fried beef patty topped with lettuce, pickles, Ranch and Texas-in-July sauce "
  14. That dog is aggy
  15. Holy shit, this. Some podcasts I listen to occasionally have guests with lisps. I delete that shit the instant I hear it.
  16. I enjoyed the original name of the video: "Man smacks the soul out of girl on the NY Subway"
  17. Houston we have a Podcast and Rocket Ranch have been good NASA podcasts as well.
  18. Started feeding the boy solid food this weekend. He was a fan.
  19. Avatar checks out.
  20. There is a map at this link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-44688909
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