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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 1bigtx

  1. Think East not West. Raid the ACC.
  2. Actually the polls split the championship with Nebrasky.
  3. Add Florida State and Clemson and this thread is dead.
  4. Big deal. No excuse to lose to Baylor under any circumstances.
  5. I just hope he sticks it up the collective aggie ass annually.
  6. Texas fans used to boo when a black quarterback was trotted out on the field. I don't think it stopped until Vince. As for Earl, his character is well known and I firmly believe he meant what he said but his meaning is different than what is being interpreted. He views Darrell Royal and Bum Phillips, both white, as father figures. Personally, I believe there is nothing to see here.
  7. Gene Chizek. Hard nosed coach that delivers top 10 defenses. He is available. Hire ASAP.
  8. He became predictable and apparently does not teach tackling.
  9. Everything they do is instantly measured against the gargantuan sized Texas phallus.
  10. Stanford day game. The Cardinal and many fans melted that day.
  11. I was a pretty good half miler in high school. I loved Texas and dreamed of running there. The problem was that I was not "Texas" good. So, I ran a couple of years in junior college, got a job and payed my own way without loans or grants through Texas. Point is, those guys that were not recruited probably didn't love Texas as much as they thought they did. If so they would have found a way.
  12. Worst series in my memory. Embarrassing. We used to win like that routinely year after year after year.
  13. The no call on holding against the Georgia tackle in the 1984 Cotton Bowl right in front of the SEC referee. They used split crews in those days. Most likely cost Texas the National Championship. I never got over it.
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