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Lerka Lerka

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Everything posted by Lerka Lerka

  1. I believe that would qualify as "other hood shenanigans".
  2. Paging Randolph Duke to the courtesy phone.
  3. I'd say you're about all played out player.
  4. Props to Aggy douche uber driver's dad.
  5. Kiffin seems like one of those guys that would be fun to hangout, have a beer with. But I don't, so I'm just going to go with he's a douchebag.
  6. Lerka Lerka


    Let's get that elusive W in Manhattan first before we start talking about OU and B12.
  7. Don't stop now, I'm sure there's more hard-hitting analysis you can spew.
  8. Better suited for the Wives and the Stupid Shit They Say/Do thread?
  9. Daniel Young, Exhibit "A" Saturday night.
  10. Is the kick at 7:30 or 8:00?
  11. iiiiiiiinnn the. immortal. words. of. Judy. Brown. douche. bagged. ness. is. a. choice.
  12. I wish this would happen to all people over the age of 18 operating personal watercraft. And more on the tourist in orange in lion video.
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