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Everything posted by USCATX

  1. I might have to get one of my boys out there for a late youth season mercy killing.
  2. This is a weird game cam photo glitch, right? I’m really hoping there isn’t a nice buck out there with a shot off stump of a back right leg.
  3. There were some brokered barrels floating around, it’s apparently Wild Turkey mashbill and yeast distilled by Buffalo Trace. I’m not sure if anybody knows where it was aged, but it definitely tastes more like Wild Turkey than any BT product. I haven’t had the Seelbach’s version, but had one from the Whiskey Blendery private labeled at barrel proof. It’s all good, but I’m a sucker for most things high aged.
  4. A little Buffalo Trace Wild Turkey for a cold, wet night. This plus a Notre Dame loss would be about perfect.
  5. I put the Rattler back on the AR-10 and got a dedicated IPad to use as a monitor. Looking for this giant hog that’s been showing up between 7:30 and 8:30 the last couple nights.
  6. I’d be willing to wait an hour for a GTS, maybe longer if there was a decent food truck, bathrooms and parking lot beers.
  7. I’m not sure if this was a hit or not, but I can’t fault the pig for showing up about 2 minutes after I got set up. I’m going to give it some time to see if anything else comes out before I go looking. V_20241228182559342.mov
  8. I’m not disagreeing, but I just don’t care.
  9. 17.5 lb boneless prime from Costco cooked on a spit over Eagle Rare barrel oak and finished with thyme and rosemary butter from the garden. Pulled at 114 and finished in the oven to 125-135 depending on thickness.
  10. Winter (or whatever we are having this year) gardening is great. Less bugs, weeds and watering and generally lower maintenance crops. I just made a ridiculously good salad with this morning’s harvest.
  11. GTFOOH with the $80 Eagle Rare. I’m planning on opening some real bangers this week with family in town. Kicked it off last night with a ‘21 Birthday Bourbon.
  12. I feel like it’s easier to look at rainbow for long periods, but black hot seems to look the best. That’s about 120 yards and as good as the focus gets. The bunnies were right at sunset and the image seems to be getting better as it cools down. A coyote came and I could see the tail and also horns on a buck, but it’s not exactly ideal.
  13. Deer look much better than bunnies. V_20241208184621182.mov
  14. I mounted the AGM and sighted it in on an AR10 and AR15 today and I’m currently sitting in the blind watching bunnies and waiting for a pig to show up. My first impression is I wish I’d gotten a 640 resolution, but we will see how a bigger animal looks. V_20241208180340491.mov
  15. I’m in Mexico and this guy is modeling at lunch time in front of my camera.
  16. I thought I missed this one from 110 yd, but he only ran about 20 yards on a neck shot and dropped. I love a good Travis County low fence 8 point.
  17. Walked around the neighborhood trails and found a doe and a fox to watch. The pics don’t look as good as I saw in person and you would definitely need to trigger with the app instead of the buttons for better clarity. But holy crap, I would have never seen either of these without the thermal even with the moon tonight. It’s incredible.
  18. Carrots, beets, lettuce, endive, mustard, fennel and kohlrabi are all thriving. I had to put up some netting to keep the deer away and just transplanted a ton more spinach, cauliflower and rapini today.
  19. I’d keep watering the blackberries until it frosts and kills the leaves. Weird that apparently it will be December before that happens, but mine are alive and thriving right now.
  20. Thanks again for this recommendation. I listened to quite a few podcast episodes and then called Jason and talked through digital night vision before settling on the AGM Rattler V2 TS35-384. These guys are really working to earn business and I was very happy to buy from them. I think I’ll probably get more use out of this thing as a hand held for looking at things around the house, night boating, looking for downed animals, etc.
  21. It’s freaking great, I loved it. but I love this 12 year single barrel just a bit more.
  22. Classic little Travis County 8 point coming in pretty regularly. Also one 9/10 that I haven’t gotten a good pic of yet. I swear the cell game cam pics are my favorite phone activity during the season.
  23. Yeah, frost will smoke them but when it goes to seed you can get another round in during fall by planting them. You can also throw them in pots if you want to mess with bringing them into the garage.
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