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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. Expect to get fucked. went to heavenly at Tahoe a few years ago and bought a three day pass before the season started for $305. On day two the lifts were closed due to high winds. Daily rate at that time was $150. So they offered me $5 refund for the day. ($305 - $150 -$150). I asked for a full day pass for later in the season and got that instead.
  2. Yes, you get to put off paying income tax on it till later and you'll have more money to grow before you withdraw. If you're making $120k now that money is in the $100k-$120k tax rate. If you withdraw $20k after you retire and live off it for a year you're in the $0k-$20k tax rate which is much lower
  3. Used to live right down the block from there. Was shocked when I saw that open, would have killed for that to walk to after crazy lady ruined the shopping center at windsor and exposition
  4. Holy shit I don't believe it. Summer of 85 and 86 I shlepped around Arlington stadium selling popcorn and coke. Games against the yankees and tigers that were away games. Games near the end of the year with 300 people in the stands. What a long strange trip it's been.
  5. Thanks for the info guys. My boys and I ski, the wife shops so we're trying to figure out the best for all of us. I don't really want my wife driving my truck up and down the mountain if the road is icy/snowy.
  6. They are still doing it, kids have been running this year. When I did it with my kids a few years ago there was a sign up booth in the carnival on the street just north of the stadium right about the mid point of the stadium. It opened around 3 hours before kickoff and closed when they filled up.
  7. Is there much shopping around either of these?
  8. Any advice on where to stay at Taos? Would like to ski in/out but doesn't look like there's much in the way of restaurants or amenities there. How bad is the drive up/down the hill in the morning/afternoon?
  9. I've been busy at work so haven't had time to clean up the thread. Please take the shit about higher education in the US to the CR thread. This thread is for news in Israel and Gaza.
  10. damn. that's terrible. I had a tournament a while back like that. Playing big O, Flopped nut flush, nut low draw. Guy to my right goes all in with K high flush with JJ in his hand. Board pairs on turn, J on river, no low, bye bye half my stack. Get moved to other table, have 234d56, flop 2x3d5x, get it all in, other guy has A2 of diamonds. Just have to avoid runner runner diamonds or running cards to give him a boat. Turn is 8d. On river any card other than a diamond I win the high, anything but a 4 or 6 I get the low. Only way to get scooped is the 6d. Boop, 6d. Went from chip lead to out with two hands that were 99% favorites after the flop. I took two weeks off from poker.
  11. Holy shit They actually turned down the volume. I could actually talk between plays. Seems like they did less between plays too. Bob Cole is still an idiot and talks to much. Continued to talk after the snap several times. Heard at least 2 wrong announcements.
  12. I don't know but will have my kid ask on Monday. The way he went down and stayed down thought it was a broken leg. He did walk off gingerly but it didn't seem as bad as it was at first.
  13. Westlake up 52-0 at the half over Bowie. Westlake looks better than they have since Klubnik left.
  14. I've been to cota several times, never 3 times in one weekend.
  15. Random thoughts from this weekend My neighbor works at cota and got me 4 tickets on turn 4 and a parking pass to lot D. I had just semi-jokingly made a comment to her husband to see if they had any extra, and only to Sunday but they came through. Friday I got my boys out of school early and we headed over mid afternoon. Looked at the cota site and it said to come in on 812 and turn left on cota blvd to get to lot D. Of course the cops wouldn't let me turn left so I had to drive down a mile and make a U turn. Holy shit was it hot and miserable. Not a cloud in the sky. It was so sunny I had a hard time reading my phone, not that I got any reception anyway, and also had a hard time reading the 32 inch tv on the other side of the track. I couldn't make out the names on the Rolex leader thing either. Would it kill them to get a slightly larger TV and/or put some shade over it to make it easier to read? Could they put a few of those Rolex tower leader boards around the track? We could only see the top 6 or so from our seats. After getting blasted by the volume at UT games we got the exact opposite at the track. Barely audible all of the time, completely drown out by the cars and whenever the helicopter was near by. Dozens of food places along the way to the seats. Nothing anywhere near our seats. I don't understand how they can't have the food a little better spread out. Closest thing was a gyro place with lines 30 deep at all times. The added benefit of this place was the line covered the entire walkway and throttled the crowd down to about 4 foot wide walkway. Can't believe all the port a potties around. How much could it cost for some bathrooms around the place? Probably a lot cheaper that renting thousands of port a potties every year. 6 waters, 2 cokes, 1 dr pepper, one hat and 2 shirts later and my free ticket cost $400. A few years ago I looked at the F1 online store and made sure the prices were about the same for the shirts and hats I bought. This year I didn't figuring they'd be around the same. Fuck me they were way cheaper on line. Oh well, got to wear the shirt on Sunday, kid 1 wore his shirt Saturday and kid 2 wore his hat all weekend. Left the venue at around 5:30 and made it to the westlake football game at house park against Austin high by 7:15. Kid 2 had a soccer game so me and Kid 1 and 2 of his friends went on Saturday. We were joined at the track by another friend who had his own ticket. My kid is usually ok on his own, but get four 14 year old boys together and they are guaranteed to act like jackasses. Came from the north this time and it was pretty easy to get to the lot. Waze didn't seem to thing I could go on cota blvd to get to lot D so it was no help. Having learned my lesson from Friday I wore my aussie golf hat to keep the sun off my neck and the side of my face for Saturday. It ends up being cloudy and it was annoying wearing that stupid thing all day and after the sun went down. What was great was seeing all the people on friday with backpacks and coolers so I went to academy Saturday morning and got a back pack cooler. At $59 it was less than I spent on drinks on Friday. Filled it up with water, coke and Gatorade. Damn it was nice sitting in the stands and just reaching down for a drink rather than fighting the crowds. Me and my kid didn't really want to see Queen but 2 of his friends really really wanted to see them. So after the race we head over to the stage and get a nice place on the very nice golf course like grass of the Germania Amphitheater as per the cota website. Boys wandered off to cause trouble and I sat in the grass. At 6:40 after sitting there for an hour they put up a message that the show is at the other stage. There's a stampede out of there and of course the boys are no where to be found and my son isn't answering texts. Finally find them and head over to the other stage but by the time we get there it's overrun. Absolutely terribly designed venue. The stage is on the other side of the track so it's a long way away. They have stands set up in the front and if you're in the wrong place you can't see the stage. It was dark when we got to the place we ended up sitting down at and the stage was dark. It appeared we could see the stage but as it turned out we couldn't. Ground was rocky with some weeds, so much worse than the other place. Boys wandered off, I told them to meet at the car when they were done. They listened to about 5 songs and were done. I knew all the songs but they complained they only played one they knew. Fat bottom girls apparently not popular with 14 year old boys on spotify. Luckily traffic had completely died off at that point and it was smooth sailing to get to the Whataburger at the airport. Sunday took the wife at kiddo #2. #1 had enough after Friday and Saturday. Decided to come from the north again. Drove past the exit for Ross road thinking there would be an exit for Kellum road. Nope. Contemplate going off road to get to Kellum but just decide to go to the next road which ends up being Wolf road 3 miles down. Smooth sailing all the way to the intersection of Kellum and Elroy. Cops manning the intersection let Elroy go for about 5 minutes, then would let Kellum go for about 20 seconds, then back to Elroy for 5 minutes. Several minutes of no traffic on Elroy while we sat with our thumb up our asses. Fuck that was annoying. Cloudy when we parked so I chose a baseball cap over the aussie hat. That was a major fuckup as the sun came out and was a bitch all afternoon. Left side of my face is red, right side is white. Race was great. Kid and I were into it, timing separation of cars and watching Hamilton get close and calculating if he could catch. No internet whatsoever, and with the sun shining impossible to read the times/positions on the TV and Rolex tower. Race was over at 3:30, we noticed people going on the track so we followed and walked around the S's for a bit. Then headed to Germania and plopped down on the grass for a bit. Kid was grumpy so against my better judgement we headed to the car. I would have liked to sit there for another hour or so to let traffic die down. Get to the car in lot D at 4:30, 30 minutes to Lot A, 30 more minutes to the 812/130 intersection and we were free. No idea why the fuck they can't make 812 one way westbound after the race. People coming from 812 westbound into the left most lane, 2 lanes from cota blvd turning onto the two right lanes. Left lane to go south on 130, right lane north on 130 and center lane go strait on 812. Where the fuck were the people going east from 130 on 812 going? They were dead stopped the entire time we were heading west, wherever they were going they should be going a different way. This concludes my 2023 USGP Ted talk.
  16. how bad did he fuck you over?
  17. It was many beers ago that I read about the piers. Did not remember the exact context but I thought that was the way to prevent the track from moving around. I don't remember the details above, thanks for the information.
  18. I wonder if they had built it the right way with piers going into the ground they would have spent less money doing that then all the repairs they made over the years. I ended up missing my turn and went a long way around to get to the north side of the venue Sunday and was laughing to myself as we hit all the bumps in the road. In multiple places sections of the road were sliding off into the ditch. I can't imagine one person driving to the track site and seeing that and not thinking they need to make sure the track doesn't do that.
  19. Took an hour from Lot D to 812/130
  20. Got to car in lot D at 4:30 Haven’t made it to lot A yet
  21. What a Fucking shit show this place is
  22. Pretty nice day. Not too hot and I went and bought a backpack cooler this morning and it was great drinking 25 cent bottles of water instead of $9 ones. what a boring race, what 2 passes in the top 10? sitting here waiting for queen and it’s about perfect temperature
  23. They are terrible. Westlake usually has 2nd stringers in before the half. Around 30-40 kids on the sideline, a few dozen fans in the stands.
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