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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. Ok my point #6 has been proven wrong. My apologies for my assumption. I was wrong. now disprove 1-5 and I’ll open that thread back up
  2. Do you actually enjoy people flinging shit back and forth about my team/your team/but obama?
  3. So I shouldn't allow political stuff in DT because it's a safe space for conservatives?
  4. And that thread already has hillary/pence/biden political shit in it
  5. Why the hell are all the playoff rounds 3 game series, then get to the final 4 and it's just 1 game?
  6. @Captainant @Beau Vine @Js1 @Wally Fairway @Brian Fantana People complain that DT is a safe space for people on the right because I allow them to post political things there. Now people are complaining that I don't allow political news there. Which is it? There's a couple of reasons I shut the Trump thread down. 1. You guys act like fucking 5 year olds joking about it, trying to get a rise out of me ("I wonder if he'll ban me if I post the home alone 2 tweet?"), the very definition of trolling. You don't really care if there is a thread there, some of you just want to be jackasses. 2. The same shit will be posted in that thread and the thread in CR. I fucking hate reading two threads about the same topic and having to scroll past the same tweets/posts over and over. 3. No matter what, people will start making political opinions on that thread, our team, your team, but obama, but biden, etc, and I nor the other mods have fucking time to police another fucking huge thread. It will mirror the CR thread in short order. 4. You people act like it's a crime against humanity, worse than the holocaust that you have to click one button to get to the CR, like surly is going to empower a political movement that's going to take over the world if you can't post it in DT. Newsflash: the board the thread is in doesn't fucking matter. I'm not empowering facists by making certain threads go in the cloak room. I'm keeping politics in one place. 5 This has been the rule for 16 years. I've seen multiple message boards blow up and die due to politics taking over threads all over the board. I know you guys think we do a horrible job at it, we do the best we can. It's a thankless job and frankly sucks. 6 The majority of the board feels the way I do. Yeah, yeah, bad survey. If you're so confident people feel the way you do start a thread here will a poll about how people feel political topics should be handled, word it however you'd like to. I am eager to see the results. And for the record I am fucking ecstatic Trump and Paxton are getting drilled. I hope they both go to prison for the rest of their miserable lives. People who support these two criminals are a fucking stain on our country.
  7. Not about politics? Here's a post from DonkeyCigars. All this post says is "we're divided on abortion", yet three people felt it was worth neg repping. If these were not politically motivated, what are they?
  8. I'm not doing anything on negs made before my previous post. Be less of a jackass and it won't happen.
  9. Well from my perspective looking at the thread it looked like you didn't have him on ignore and were responding to him.
  10. report the posts that it's done on and put a note in the comments
  11. I don't think I've seen you do this, so no not talking to you. Mullet is on his last leg, one more russian talking point and he's out. Most of animal smoking posts are completely innocuous. Yes he has some completely shit opinions but the fact he isn't liberal enough is not a bannable offense. Other than these two I can't think of another recurring shit poster such as Ray Pugh that I don't ban on sight
  12. I have no problem with people negging individuals for a shitty/trollish post. But you shouldn't be finding old posts that are completely innocuous and negging them. If I see a that I'm going to start erasing all your rep history. If you don't like a poster put him on ignore and move on with your life. If you think he's trolling don't respond to them and report the posts. Not sure how some dumbass can make you guys so mad that you take time out of your life to go find old posts and neg them.
  13. use this thread for the merger stuff, the other thread for on course golf discussion
  14. use this thread for on course golf discussion, the other for the merger stuff
  15. 9-3 Texas, top of the 6th, 2 out
  16. Robert, ex-owner of hornfans sighting
  17. My sister is a social worker and works with a lot of poor people. The one goal every one of them has when they get a job is to save up money to get a car so they don't have to wait on the bus. I have a friend who got in a wreck with her car. She decided she was going to save the earth and start riding the bus around town. She lived around I35/Riverside and worked around Riverside/Congress. After about two weeks of busses being 15-30 minutes late or not showing up at all and forcing her to walk she went and bought a car. She also hated grocery shopping as she was basically limited to 2 bags per trip.
  18. I'm going June 16th-23rd, playing in the Big O and the PLO8/O8/BigO tournaments. What's weird is I went to register and they aren't on the page. They are events 41 and 45 and the registration page just skips them
  19. Who were Hampster and Immortal before? Looked back and Hampster hasn't been warned in a year for anything.
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