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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. I'll let the reader guess which hands I had and the result. Happened about 4 hands apart.
  2. lets cut out the threadshitting fatty, mullet, take your shit to the CR
  3. do what I do with all legal looking/from the government/toll tag type mail and throw it in the trash.
  4. biggest scam I've seen at multiple places is the HOA company hiring their buddies to do work then overpay for it. Lawn care companies getting $100k a year to maintain small patch of grass or $10k to paint a fence.
  5. Meh, my neighbors are all pretty cool. With the way house prices have gone over here there's not any unkept houses. Who gives a fuck if trash cans stay out for a day or two or people park a boat in the front of the house. My neighborhood is pretty unique in that I have houses less than a mile east that are 10,000 square feet and go for millions, and trailer houses with cars on blocks, tow trucks and chickens running around the front yard less than a mile west and I've dropped off my kid in front of both.
  6. Not in an hoa was pretty close to the top of the list of things I wanted last time I looked for a house.
  7. So you're in favor of filling up the thread with posts that are personal attacks that don't mention the show?
  8. Agree on the poison in the suit. Only thing that would kill you if that suit is airtight is radiation and that’s a slow painful death, it doesn’t kill you in a few minutes.
  9. If you want to argue the about the show it's fine, no need to attack other posters
  10. The founders were not very good engineers. How the hell did they not install a steam bypass valve? Secondly how did they not install 2 generators? You need redundancy. Blades break and warp, bearings go bad. You have to take a generator down for maintenance on a regular basis, you're telling me this has run for 140 years?
  11. When they need 3 yards, he's gonna get you three yards. When they need 5 yards, he's gonna get you three yards.
  12. They didn't pay their rent
  13. I have USAA and got a slight bump in my homeowners rate this year. Filled out requests for quotes at 5 different places. State Farm was 3x USAA, and all the others were 2-3x USAA. Guess I'm staying.
  14. When I came back to Austin after getting out of the navy my buddy took me there. He's a huge eater and I'm no chump. This was back in the $11 all you can eat days and while we ate 3 families came, sat, ate and left. The waitress told us she had seen some fat people eat as much as us, but not two regular size guys. At the end my buddy ordered cobler with ice cream, the waitress laughed at him, but he insisted. He finished his, I ate about 3 spoonfulls before I quit. Not sure I've ever eaten more at one sitting in my life.
  15. Atxracer was that you and your family all doing donuts on your jet skis at 11am next to the lake park boat ramp on lake Austin? Fucking 22 miles of lake 99.99% of which doesn’t have a boat ramp, and this fucking family of 5 are all doing donuts, creating 4 foot waves right at the fucking ramp/docs.
  16. Ramen: Srz business
  17. Wife: "It's hot in here", turns on the ceiling fan, leaves the room. It was not hot.
  18. You can also test for voltage on 450v breaker bars with a boxwrench. If it makes a bright blue ball of flame and the wrench disappears into thin air, the bus bars are live.
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