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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. battery went bad, probably has a cell shorted out, becomes a load on the alternator rather than helping, alternator working extra hard to handle normal loads plus battery
  2. Is this a statement or a question? Yes, if the voltage of the car when running is 14v the alternator is fine and the battery is probably bad.
  3. Correct ddddadwalkingbackfromproshopatturn.jpg
  4. Went to top of wildcat mountain north pole North spur Slither baby back hog alley
  5. Anyone else read that as a "Man bear" was spraying people?
  6. Went out to hidden falls today. May need to move up the timeframe on the annual wash. Also somehow managed to smash the front license plate back and lost the hook on the winch at some point.
  7. I still have my Vic-20 computer from ~1982 and my Apple IIc from 1985. Haven't fired them up in a while. As far as daily use you can add me to team alarm clock. Bought it new in 1989 at the PX in Orlando for $7. Still going strong after 16 moves and 34 years.
  8. So which one did you buy?
  9. just because there is an idiot on one side of an argument doesn't eliminate the possibility of morons on the other side.
  10. royiv is taking some time off for being an idiot troll.
  11. Everyone should get the calcium scoring done but to be sure should get a stress test too if you think you're at risk. I had the calcium scoring done and it came back 100% clean. Less than a year later had a heart attack with 90% blockage. The doc did think I was around 10-20% blocked in that artery but a piece broke off and got stuck. Other arteries were around 10-15%. I was 47 at the time. Doc explained that calcium in the blockages doesn't start appearing till you're 50+ so the test isn't that accurate before you're 50. The liver converts carbs and sugars to cholesterol, but for some people it's mainly hereditary and nothing but drugs will lower it.
  12. Saw that a year or so ago. Yep, much like Sweet Hereafter and Wind River, starts off depressing and every time you think well that's it, it can't be any more depressing, then they take it another notch.
  13. Yep, a threat of calling the cops if we don't get our stuff by Friday is what I would do.
  14. Fridge died yesterday and it's 15 years old so probably not worth fixing and I've wanted a new one for a while anyway. Have a 42" space. WTF How is it I can get a 36" wide 28cuFt for $1100 but a 42" wide 24cuFt is $10,000? And why can't I get a 42" wide 30 cuFt?
  15. some poker pros made a similar bet on free throws Their bet was he could hit 90/100 free throws. He had unlimited retries and had a year to do it. He did it after a few months. Won $285k https://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/25282-high-stakes-poker-pro-mike-mcdonald-wins-250k-on-free-throw-prop-bet
  16. what am I missing on the first hand? As described you had the nuts, a strait to the Q, while the others had a smaller strait and trips. Did you lose $75 on the first hand and this is a later hand?
  17. John Leguizamo in the menu In the Mandalorian:
  18. Was all excited to watch the dirt race. Holy shit this is boring as fuck. 3 laps racing, 3 laps yellow flag, repeat.
  19. Etxhorn81 is taking some time off. The rest of you need to post some content and not just personal attacks or you will be too.
  20. He played it pretty close to what I would. With the check on the turn I'm pretty confident there's no boat or quads out there that beats mine. Most people will bet hoping people will chase a strait or flush. They wait to bet on the river they probably aren't getting any callers if the draws miss. I have seen a few players slow play there but it is not very common. With pot limit you only get so many chances to load the pot up so there are fewer traps laid. I would have bet out at least a half a pot on the river thinking I probably have the best boat at that point.
  21. Guess I should learn to read. Wife has a Honda CR-V. They come in AWD. Has 100,000 miles and we've only had to change oil, spark plugs, windshield wipers, air filters and tires. Don't know if I've ever had anything as reliable.
  22. You can get a pretty nice 2000's 4runner for $10k If that's too big the Rav4 isn't bad.
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