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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. Came downtown to play in golden nugget tournament, won $175 playing craps waiting for the tournament so things are looking up
  2. Well that sucked. Had 2 pair and second nut low and other guy had nut low and bigger two pair. Then got all in with a2256, him akt93 flop k83, turn and river both big and I’m out.
  3. New day new table. I’m the short stack at the table but no one has much more than 100k
  4. We’ll fuck me. I had KsQd.
  5. Playing in the PLO8/limit O8/BigO tournament, $1500 buy in, 25k starting stack. Started off hot as hell, won the first 5 hands and went up about 10k in chips. Then proceeded to go card dead. Went all the way down to around 10k. Had AKT52, raised pre flop, 1 caller, flop K94. I pot, he thinks for a bit and jams. I call all in. He's got AQ542. Turn 6 river 6. Boom double up with a pair of kings. Up to 20k. A few hands later As3s58K, raise pre flop and get 4 callers. Flop is T5s2s. I pot, get repot, all-in, all-in, I call, 4 way all in. Turn 2, river A. I get up to walk away. First guy picks up his hand and turns it over and mucks it. I look over and see the other two guys each have a couple of low cards, figure I'm fucked. Look closer and they have 57 and 56. Boom 83 for the low. Double up again to 40k. Really hated the table. Two huge stacks at the end that were playing big stack poker. Was just waiting to pick them off and I never got the cards to do so. Whittle down to around 25k, get KdQsJdTs8. Raise pre flop, one caller. Flop Qs9x5s, I raise, he jams, I call. He's got aces. Turn J, river Ks. I'm trying to figure out if I win or not, look over at his hand As with two black cards one of them being a ten. First thought, fuck he got broadway. Then the chinese dude next to me says "He's got a frush". Look at the ace of spades again, thinking I'm fucked, then realize his other black cards are clubs. So I say "Yes, I got a frush!", realizing 10 seconds later I was supposed to say "what the fucks a frush" One table over James Woods is playing Our table ends up breaking and I get moved to a new table. I'm in the 4 seat, the 6 and 7 seats have huge stacks and are both super aggressive. I get to see a few hands of theirs and realize they don't have the nuts every time and have called light when pushed back into. Finally get a few hands with the big stacks. Get AdKd523, flop 8d74d. Bingo! Big stack pots, I repot, we get all in. Look over and he has AQ83x. Turn diamond, river blank, boom doubled up to 40k. Few hands later get Ah7hKQJ against same big stack. Flop Th9d3h. I bet, he calls. Turn 9H. Yeeaaaah Fuck. I check, he checks. River Qs. I bet 11k, he thinks for a while, moves his had toward the muck a few times, I'm expecting all in jam, finally he starts grabbing for chips and just calls, I show my Ah7h and he mucks. Not really sure what I do there if he jams over the top, I think I call based on his hand movements of wanting to muck and the fact every other time he had the nuts he insta jammed. Boom, up to 60k. Notice Mike Matasow a table over: He had been pretty quiet. Guy at table to the left of the picture says something to him and they start jawing back and forth. Guy at our table says "go get em Alan". I ask and sure enough it was Allen "Chainsaw" Kessler. Guy to my left gets knocked out and is replaced by a 50ish dude. Guy to my right gets knocked out, replaced by some guy. New guy in 3 seat says "Not very often I get to play against the guy who taught me everything about split pot games. I turn to guy on my left and ask if he's kinda a big deal. He says his name is Mark he's no one of importance. A few hands later I ask his last name and He says Gregorich. Go look him up https://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=4170 Well fuck me. At least he has a short stack. I end up not playing a hand with him. He went from $25k-$6k. Then they announced 3 hands left in the night, he says he's going out or up, then managed to win 2 big pots in a row and now is at 35k. Guy to my right sees me looking him up and tells me he's pretty well known as one of the best split pot players in the world. So for the first time in my life I got to bag up chips. I'm around 50k with average stack around 80k. Big names that I outlasted include Sam Farha Todd Brunson Chin Rheem Nick Shulman Daniel Negreanu Veronica Brill Current stacks here https://www.wsop.com/tournaments/chipcounts/?aid=2&grid=5219&tid=21710&dayof=217101&rr=-1&curpage=2
  6. Haha no. but about half the dealers hadn’t dealt much split pot games. The players were constantly having to help. 1400 runners I finished around 600. Could not win a big hand after the above. Won a lot of small pots but could never win the big ones
  7. Playing big o tourney, $1500 entry. Dealt 238jj, 2 hearts, 4 callers, flop a58, two hearts. Bet $500, 2 callers. Turn J, bet $2500, 2 callers, River J, bet $5k, next guy raises, other guy calls, I go all in, call call. One guy has 5523, other 23 so I end up with 2/3 of the pot. Starting stack $25k, I have $40, 1 hour in.
  8. Also, don't get in a cab or uber anywhere around the strip. Holy shit is traffic awful with the repaving. Got stuck behind MGM about 50 cars deep at a light that 0-2 cars got through each cycle. I got out and walked to the hotel. Don't stay at the Polo towers. Construction all around and have to walk a lot to get to strip.
  9. Here now for the wsop I bought blackjack news for the trip. In addition to Ellis Island best rules with <$25 tables: Downtown: California El Cortez Freemont Plaza near strip: Gold Coast Orleans Palace Station south point tropicana
  10. good start. Bought in for $300, lost it, $300 more, down to $100, added $200 on, was down to $150, ran it up to $1400, cashed out at $1088. Net profit of $288 saw Phil helmuth on the way out and with a win like that I had a meal fit for a king
  11. Made it. Holy shit this is nuts
  12. Registration button finally showed up for big o. Registered and heading out tomorrow
  13. Pretty close to what my uncle did, and left me a nice inheritance because of it. Would sell off small chunks when the market was high/had to because of IRA rules, always keeping 7 years of expenses in cd/savings/money market. With house and car paid off and Social Security coming in 7 years was only a couple hundred grand. He had around $2 million when he retired 20 years ago, had >$2 million when he died last year.
  14. I read that thread every day, multiple times a day. It's my all time favorite thread on the board. I've deleted 100's of off topic posts on that thread. If it's 2-3 posts about some tangentially related topic that is followed by many posts on topic I'll generally leave it. If it's a dozen or more off topic posts in a row that are mainly people's opinions of something that is completely unrelated to Ukrane and Russia and is taking over the thread I am either going to move or delete the posts. Here's phrases I look for when I decide it's politics or not: No CR but, my team, your team, but obama/hillary/bush/clinton, republicans should, democrats should, this legislation did x, this legistration should be fixed But the main thing that determines it for me when people say my opinion is that a politician or legislative body should do something or did something. I have dozens of posts around the board saying this and explaining it. A tweet saying congress or Biden approved arms to Urkane is news. Stating that "I wish (pollitician/leg) would send more stuff" is political
  15. Pretty sure I deleted all the posts relating to brexit. Part political/part off topic. Sorry I missed Trey's post. I won't apologize for deleting off topic shit in that thread.
  16. One thing I did learn in the research is that wolves get the nutrients that are missing in the diet above from eating the guts of the plant eating animals they eat.
  17. I've been doing similar. 2 pounds meat 6 cups starch 1 cup vegetable meat -rotate between chicken thighs and pork buts, mix in any leftover meat that doesn't get eaten. Once a month add beef and chicken hearts or chicken gizzards filler - rotate between rice, brown rice and sweet potatoes. Regular potatoes when they start to go bad. Dogs go nuts over sweet potatoes vegetable rotate between spinach, carrots, frozen peas and carrots, broccoli According to what I've read this should cover everything they need, but I did talk to my vet about it and she said there are several things they are missing in this diet and I needed to buy additives or mix in some regular dog food. She has seen multiple dogs on homemade diets dead from heart or liver failure from missing nutrients. I spent a few hours poking around trying to figure out what they were missing. A couple of sites had you enter info about your dog and then they would provide you with a recipe and an additive. It recommended a recipe of 100% skinless chicken breast along with $100 worth of additives per week. I love my dogs but I'm not spending $800 a month to feed them. So I've reverted to 1/2 regular dog food 1/2 of the above. I'll dig back into figuring out what they are missing sometime soon so I can remove the regular dog food.
  18. Let’s review your posting in this thread: You: call me names me: here is the reasons I did this you: post gif you: personal attack obviously to even the most casual observer you have bested me. I crown you king of message boards.
  19. Ok my point #6 has been proven wrong. My apologies for my assumption. I was wrong. now disprove 1-5 and I’ll open that thread back up
  20. Do you actually enjoy people flinging shit back and forth about my team/your team/but obama?
  21. So I shouldn't allow political stuff in DT because it's a safe space for conservatives?
  22. And that thread already has hillary/pence/biden political shit in it
  23. Why the hell are all the playoff rounds 3 game series, then get to the final 4 and it's just 1 game?
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