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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. Yeah, was hoping to get to use that knowledge but he dumped his chips off before i could. Old man to my right was way more worried about getting his drinks from the cocktail waitress than playing poker and made a similar spazzy bluff earlier. I got 8d9d on the button, raised to $15, old man called. Flop 67T two clubs. I bet $30 he calls. Turn is 5c, He thinks for a minute, jams his remaining $43 into a $100 pot, I call and flip my cards, he mucks his cards, telling me he was hoping I was scared of the flush.
  2. Norman Rockwell should paint this on a tapestry and it should be hung in the Smithsonian American Art Museum .
  3. Shit, flop was 766 not 776. Yeah, guy was a moron. Bought back in for $300 and lost it quickly. He is from Austin. Lives a few blocks from my old house, I live a few blocks from where he grew up.
  4. 99 hand: original raiser in mid position raises to $15 pre flop, me on button and BB call post flop BB bets $50, original raiser goes all in for $110, I fold, BB calls. I assume mid position has big pocket pair. turn and river are low cards, BB shows A7, mid position shows AT KJ hand I call and he shows A3 Those were the only two plays where results oriented thinking made me think I did the wrong thing but the voice in the back of my head said I probably did the right thing. Table was mostly friendly tourists having a good time. Seat 1 looked and acted like a pro. He was trying to get the table to all straddle. He makes some comment like "it will be fun" and I said "says the local pro to the tourists playing for fun". He shot me a glare like he wanted to kill me. No one straddled after that. He dumped off a stack with KK on a KJT board to an old dealer and hurriedly got up and left.
  5. ok, I guess I can see where hold 'em can be fun. Played at harvey's Sunday night. $2/$3 NLHE. Bought in for $300 and cashed out for $500. Was up to $800 at one point, should have left. Questions: 99 on the button, one guy raises to $15, BB calls. Flop 776. BB bets $50, original raiser goes all in for $110. Fold/call/raise? KJ in middle position, raise to $15, 3 callers. Flop KJ3. Bet $30, two callers. Turn 3, bet $50 one instacall. River 2, I check other guy bets $75. Call/fold/raise?
  6. We've had as much as $2500 in the pot before
  7. spent 10 seconds in lane then shoved a guy to the ground on that last ky dunk
  8. The three-second rule in basketball is one of the most debated basketball rules in basketball. The rule states that once a player has established a position in the restricted area, they are not allowed to remain there for more than three consecutive seconds unless they are preparing to shoot or pass.
  9. I hope Ky keeps sending out 2 slow guys to trap that kstate can just dribble around
  10. KU center was in lane for 9 seconds strait on last offensive set
  11. I was unaware that Kstate is capable of missing a 3 pointer
  12. Fuck cbs for this stupid tv schedule. Just start a game evert hour so we can switch when there's a blowout
  13. Are you really calling someone out for a bad prediction?
  14. Only reason I looked was I was waiting for her to take me to hospital, ski lodge is 8 minutes away and she had been gone over 30 minutes. Mostly disappointed in son, he has a good sense of direction. I expect wife to do shit like that. I ended up walking to hospital.
  15. can't see the front of that car and not think
  16. It was my fault because I didn't provide her with the address of the condo that she never asked for.
  17. Just 3 panels. steam plant control panel reactor plant control panel electric plant control panel
  18. I looked back but missed your post
  19. Wife picked up kid at ski lodge. Just 1 turn after exiting condo. Exit condo to the right, go up mountain, turn right, pick him up. Return just 1 left turn. After picking him up put the restaurant next to the condo into waze. Selected the wrong location, drove 20 minutes in wrong direction before I took a look at where she was at and called her to tell her she was going the wrong way.
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