@Captainant @Beau Vine @Js1 @Wally Fairway @Brian Fantana
People complain that DT is a safe space for people on the right because I allow them to post political things there.
Now people are complaining that I don't allow political news there.
Which is it?
There's a couple of reasons I shut the Trump thread down.
1. You guys act like fucking 5 year olds joking about it, trying to get a rise out of me ("I wonder if he'll ban me if I post the home alone 2 tweet?"), the very definition of trolling. You don't really care if there is a thread there, some of you just want to be jackasses.
2. The same shit will be posted in that thread and the thread in CR. I fucking hate reading two threads about the same topic and having to scroll past the same tweets/posts over and over.
3. No matter what, people will start making political opinions on that thread, our team, your team, but obama, but biden, etc, and I nor the other mods have fucking time to police another fucking huge thread. It will mirror the CR thread in short order.
4. You people act like it's a crime against humanity, worse than the holocaust that you have to click one button to get to the CR, like surly is going to empower a political movement that's going to take over the world if you can't post it in DT. Newsflash: the board the thread is in doesn't fucking matter. I'm not empowering facists by making certain threads go in the cloak room. I'm keeping politics in one place.
5 This has been the rule for 16 years. I've seen multiple message boards blow up and die due to politics taking over threads all over the board. I know you guys think we do a horrible job at it, we do the best we can. It's a thankless job and frankly sucks.
6 The majority of the board feels the way I do. Yeah, yeah, bad survey. If you're so confident people feel the way you do start a thread here will a poll about how people feel political topics should be handled, word it however you'd like to. I am eager to see the results.
And for the record I am fucking ecstatic Trump and Paxton are getting drilled. I hope they both go to prison for the rest of their miserable lives. People who support these two criminals are a fucking stain on our country.