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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. I think the one being built in California has been an unbelievable success with no issues, cost overruns or problems of any kind.
  2. electric up/down, can be set next to a wall, real leather.
  3. I just get whatever logitech mouse they have at costco. Usually about $30 and works for a few years without issue.
  4. I went to several nice places including the lazyboy store and couldn't find shit less than $2500 I went to Mega Furniture at mopac/parmer next to the old Fry's and they had several in the $500-$800 range. I'd try there if I were you.
  5. It's those commercial carpet squares. Wife buys them for $1 a piece at rehabitat and replaces them every year or so. I hate it but I've learned to pick my battles.
  6. Got an FJ so I'm in the same towing range as you.
  7. anyone got opinions on off road rv trailers? Opus/Taxa/Black Series?
  8. Went to Tahoe last week to ski. While standing at the little office in the parking garage an employee pulled up in a 4runner. Lady asked me if I wanted the 4runner or ... and I cut her off and said 4runner. It was absolutely the best thing I have ever driven in the snow/ice. Never a hint of spinning wheels or getting squirlley. On the way down the hill one night I was behind a jeep and keeping 50 or so feet behind it. The jeep and the car ahead of it both started fishtailing as they were approaching a corner. I softly applied the breaks and the ABS kicked in and we stayed in a strait line. The car behind me started fishtailing and ended up in the snowbank across the road, missing me by inches. Another time we were going up the hill and behind a small car with chains. Dumbass driver slowed down too much going up the hill and started spinning his tires. He ended up having to turn around. I had no issues starting from a dead stop and easily made it up the hill. I now know what I'm going to get if we move up there and the FJ kicks the bucket. Also curious how much of the tech in the 2023 4runner is different than a 2012 FJ. I know toyota slow rolls a lot of stuff.
  9. Iger's kid went to UT and did something with the basketball team and is now a scout for the Spurs. We sat next to him at a game last year and he chatted with several of the UT coaches before the game. Guess he's buddies with Ogden.
  10. 2 feet first night here. My favorite view even Carson valley has snow right now
  11. Tahoe has been awesome. My kids, not so much.
  12. Woohoo, 2 hands in a row knew I just needed to bitch KsQs raise $15 Preflop, 5 callers k95 flop, bet $55 all fold Q9 flop QJ8, bet, 1 caller, check check turn bet $25 on river and he folds.
  13. How the fuck do you people play hold em? sat here at a $2/$3 table at Harvey’s in tahoe for 3 hours. raised pre flop twice, TT and QQ Jxx and Kxx flops and continuation bet each time only to be reraised $100. I think I’ve seen 1 hand where I would have won if I stuck around.
  14. lets not turn this into a debate about countries in the middle east
  15. next poster mentioning tcu or dykes in this thread is taking some time off
  16. xpost from holiday eats
  17. Beef Rib world angriest dog right now because I can't give him bones
  18. I had something similar a while back. big O, I'm in 8 seat next to the dealer, villain in 3 seat at far end of the table. Big O, I raised preflop to $25, everyone called, $200 pot. Flop 544, I had A2345 bet out $100, he pots. puts out $100 in green in the middle. I ask how much more, he says "not much, just this" waves a stack of 10-15 reds in his hand around and puts it in the middle. I call and he reaches back and pulls the stack of green that was behind the hand he was waving around. He has 55 and two big cards come and I'm out $500. The guy is a total angle shooter asshole, I know he did it on purpose.
  19. Off topic posts are going to get some southwest drink coupons and some time off to use them
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