No, not at all. I'm saying with a topic like Brexit it turns into a left/right discussion.
Yes, I'm aware of that and if I feel like reading about those topics I head to the CR and read about them. What i don't understand is how intelligent and sane posters such as yourself have this compelling need to bring politics into any and all discussions. I just can't understand how you feel even though you are completely free to discuss this at length in one part of the site it's the fucking end of the world if you can't discuss it in another part of the site. If you're at a bar with a friend and he mentions he's excited about the upcoming Ukrainian offensive do you immediately respond "yeah but Trump is an asshole and tried to break up Nato"
This like much of moderating is one of those "I can't define phonography but I know if when I see it" things. When I try to determine if it is or isn't it usually comes down to opinions put in the post. A post such as "Ukrainians would be better off with more abrams tanks but GOP controlled congress has them on hold" would be ok but "fucking gop clowns should all be charged with treason and hung" would not. I generally leave tweets up that report news even if it's political, I tend to remove posts that are people's political opinions on that news. I know it seems like I'm one sided, but it's not an easy job and wherever I make the cut someone is going to be mad.
My goal is to keep that thread as easily readable as possible and about the war as much as possible. Sometimes that means deleting a few posts before it goes completely off the rails.