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Everything posted by blacklab

  1. Complete tree fiddy story from the trial: douchebag haaavard lawyer: did you ever claim to know the value of shaggy? me: no dhl: are you sure? me: yeah dhl: you never said it was worth $350k me: no asks the judge to approach me and he walks up and shows me a printout from the reddit AMA which featured dickbut among other things. points to a question saying: How much is shaggy worth in your estimate (answer in US dollars please)? my answer on reddit: about tree fidy I start laughing, me: uh, that's a joke answer, see, there's this TV show called south park...... dhl: nevermind, no question your honor judge: Mr. Blacklab that's enough me: and there's this character called the loch ness monster... judge: Mr. blacklab me: and he's always asking for tree fidy.... judge: MR. BLACKLAB that's enough me: ok
  2. Also, real reason I lost the lawsuit was Immamac was the only witness called in the trial and wasn't very convincing.
  3. Shaggy and new venture shared a rack at a colo. Shaggy paid for the rack. Other venture did not pay anything towards rack. Shaggy had no employees and no debts.
  4. Murder hornet made the golf broadcast more than just golf to watch
  5. Same question for me. I have tickets for turn 12. Not sure if my kids have the attention span to sit through the whole race. Would it be better to get there before the start and watch the first half? or get there around half way and stay till the end?
  6. yes. he dumped $12k the other night
  7. Duke guy shoves msu defender out of the way with the forearm and rat face is calling for a foul by hitting his forearm.
  8. As a Mercedes fan I sat through most of the race watching Hamilton lose a second or two a lap I was thinking "Is this what its like being a Ferrari fan the last few years?" LOL red bull. Max is such a bitch.
  9. The words you're looking for are Motion Activated Repellent Sprinkler https://www.amazon.com/Havahart-5277-Motion-Activated-Repellent-Sprinkler/dp/B078HK12H8/ref=asc_df_B078HK12H8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241960413056&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17105369933256956519&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028299&hvtargid=pla-488876891976&psc=1
  10. played big o the last few tuesdays, will post here next time I head up
  11. Yep. Big E is a good dude. He's honoring all hours you prepaid for APP and Palms as well if you have any. His main concern is keeping players happy knowing the money will follow, unlike some of the other places that are most concerned with money and don't really care about the players. You should support him if you can.
  12. Correct. If you want to discuss what we did wrong and how Russia is in the right here please take it to CR
  13. first day on the water this year.
  14. Don't blame that ship a bit. I wouldn't want to go to Norfolk either.
  15. Gonzaga - 1 Texas Tech - 3 Baylor - 1 Purdue - 3 Illinois - 4 Tenn - 3 Iowa - 5 Iowa St - 11 Tiebreaker - Purdue
  16. It's been a while but I remember seeing it too. In computer programming/data science land it's k for 1000, but certain things like ad views are described as CPM which is shorthand for Cost per 1000.
  17. You’d think that she was approved for $600 million she would get something
  18. Mad dog was just west of the drag on 24th
  19. On Thursday one of my kids managed to drop his glove while on a lift. Of course he didn’t do it while it was over a run but managed to do it in a place you couldn’t possibly ski to. I spent about 30 minutes crawling and climbing to get to the damn thing. Nothing beats the thrill of taking a step and having your foot drop three feet. Friday the same kid and I managed to make a wrong turn and we had the choice of going down some super steep moguls or through the trees back to a blue slope. I choose the trees and we spent about an hour going a couple of hundred yards. Lots of falling down, skis off boots and tears from the kiddo. It snowed Friday and Saturday and the slopes were glorious. Went to the rock hard burlesque at the hard rock on Friday night and had a good time with the wife. Saturday night some lady was running around the condo hallways screaming and the police came and asked us questions. Sunday we drove around to the north side of the lake and to Reno via Mt Rose. Wife go car sick and puked twice. I’m a sympathy puker and somehow didn’t join in the festivities. Overall a great trip and I can’t wait to move up there in a few years.
  20. what the fuck is wrong with you people 5 people taking a vacation, dozens of posts deleted. If you want to talk politcs go to the cr. Stop fucking up this thread. And the rest of you please report political posts. I don't have time to read every page. This is one of the best threads this site has ever had, the confluence of information is amazing. No one is here for your fucking hot takes. If it's the least bit political you're taking time off.
  21. Three beautiful days in a row here at heavenly. Trying to snow now but don’t think we’re going to get much. Was 50 yesterday and it got a little sloppy in the afternoon
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