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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Man, this is all so fucking good, but there is close to zero chance I'll ever be able to read it all.
  2. When does the t-shirt hit the market? Just curious ...
  3. Hearing the name Max Weiner reminds me of when Mrs. Wood (no pics) was pregnant with our first kid. The crew at the fire station wanted us to name him 'Max Wood' lol.
  4. Am I wong, or did Schloss go straight inside? I can't find him after he gets off the bus. ETA: 'wong', 'wrong' ... whatever it takes.
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot. Ain't no party like a coaching search party, 'cuz a coaching search party don't stop. Now where are the boobs, bbq, brisket recipes etc?
  6. Sorry ot. If you haven't already checked them out, there are 1 or 2 great animated shorts out there with Sapper. Good stuff. OK, I'm done now. /:sorry ot
  7. Yep. Love me some Luv. Bad bitch. Best character in the movie imho. Her & Sapper.
  8. Yeah I thought it was aggy at first too. Instead, it was just an excellent impersonation.
  9. FYI I think he was joking in those tweets.
  10. Been away from the threads since yesterday ... so how is the aircraft tracking going? Paging @derpyhorndog
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