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Certifiably Surly
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  1. *racism. But yeah, lol.
  2. Aye, and what is 'Insider415'? Google also no help with that one.
  3. Yeah the league format is beyond silly on multiple levels imho, and re: the website lagging reality, it's another symptom of a long pattern of mismanagement by the AVP. Oh, what could have been. Only 2 open tourneys. No Hermosa, again. Chicago as a league event. Etc. It's like they're trying to kill the AVP. The long, slow decline since the FIVB changed the rules has been painful to watch.
  4. I believe you misspelled 'Jesus Tittyfucking Christ'.
  5. LOL Bobby thinks a parking garage will help COTA's ingress/egress/parking situation. https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/article/circuit-americas-parking-garage-20096582.php :jagsguy: When it comes to parking for sporting events, everyone with any sense avoids parking garages like the plague. The only location I can think of where a garage will help anything would be in the Paddock, where it won't help the typical fan even a little bit.
  6. Really good article imho from the NYT that was gifted to me earlier today. I agree with Klein here, that what Trump is displaying with this blizkrieg of EOs is weakness, not strength. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/02/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-trump-column-read.html?unlocked_article_code=1.t04.mwSZ.KfcjTizcj7to&smid=url-share
  7. Re: the Canadian hockey fans booing the anthem, I'd forgotten about this, but does anyone remember the Maple Leafs' fans stepping in last year to sing it for us after their singer's microphone stopped working? We can no longer have nice things. Thanks, Trump.
  8. The Hoser Canadians posting on a Brit racing board I frequent are not amused either:
  9. I'll never understand why people do that shit at the beginning of an endurance race. I'll bet the mechanics don't understand it either. Crazy. The cream will rise to the top in a race like that - if you give it a chance and don't fuck it up by stupidly running into someone.
  10. Most of my extended family is white trash in Tennessee and Florida and I have a pretty good idea how most of them think ... but idgaf because I cut all their sorry asses out of my life 35+ years ago. /csb
  11. Maybe MTV Bro shoulda voted for the FAA spending rather than against it.
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