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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Back row blonde said later that upon further review she'd vote Kamala if the election was today. So 3 of the 5 swung to Kamala. Small sampling & all that, but I'll take it.
  2. Beat me to it. Her comparison of it to 'High School' bickering was idiotic beyond belief. When you're pointing out that someone is a fascist admirer of Nazis and have facts and statements from people who worked closely with him, that is not 'Mean Girl' high school shit. It's important.
  3. You're not wrong. And a lot of us aren't all that silent now, either. Fuuuuuuck Donald Trump.
  4. I wonder if Jeffrey was related to COTA's Bobby Epstein. Both slimy af.
  5. Just in case Trump might not step on his dick last night, Tucker took matters into his own hands and did it for him.
  6. Low T? Clomid is a women's fertility drug that's actually effective for raising men's testosterone. The problem now though is that they stopped making the generic, at least in the U.S., so it's expensive af. I have been able to buy some abroad for good prices though. Bought some cheap in Thailand. Not quite as cheap in Mexico. Ordered some online from discountcanadadrugs.com. /csb
  7. 2 week checkup. Actually 17 days since surgery. Had my checkup yesterday. Been getting better, stronger, more mobile, more range of motion little by little every day. Been walking without the walker for a few days. And the last couple of days I've been walking pretty normally and without pain. There are already things I can do better now than I could before the surgery. At my checkup yesterday they removed my bandage & everything looks great, so now I don't have to be so careful when I shower. I can start walking as much as is comfortable for me. I can get in the pool/hot tub in a week. Two more weeks of the compression socks. They're honestly the worst thing about the whole ordeal. That and being limited on sleeping positions at night, but now I can start laying on my operative side in bed a little bit, so that will help. The socks are a total pita to put on. No longer have to wear them in bed at night though, so I got that goin' for me, which is nice. I still can't put the sock on my surgery leg, so Mrs. Wood (no pics, you sick bastards) has to do it for me. Still have to keep my feet elevated as much as possible all day and use the calf compressors at least 30 minutes each day. At 2 weeks they changed my exercise routine, but it's still very easy. Twice a day.
  8. This one? https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/john-kelly-trump-offered-private-praise-hitlers-generals-rcna176664 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-hitler-generals-military-b2633842.html https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/
  9. Yeah I just saw the CNN story. Fucking assholes need an extra-hot place in hell.
  10. Yep. I pretty much alternate between 'dipshit' and ...
  11. As a baseball coach of 12-18 YOs for many years, I heartily approve this statement.
  12. Good point. I forgot about that. IIRC Kamala's McDonald's job was in 1983, same year I started at UT (the real one, not Tennessee).
  13. Exactly. Absence of proof is not proof of absence, and McDonald's acknowledged they don't keep records that far back. Sometimes, especially back then, if you made less than x amount, you didn't even have to file a tax return. I worked numerous jobs while at UT from 1983-89. Having to prove now that I worked at any one of them would be pretty difficult. But Trump said it, like he says so many things, so voila ... another 'gotcha' moment for the rubes out there.
  14. Harris wins, and it's not all that close imho.
  15. Great point. Someone on Sky brought it up on Friday I think, talking about the reticence of the stewards to apply penalties to both drivers rather than just one, even when both drivers were wrong. They just go after whomever was predominantly at fault. It's stupid, but I pretty much gave up on F1 being a serious sport in this regard a long time ago.
  16. 100%. Older drivers like Alonso railed against it for years, but eventually they realized that their complaints were falling on deaf ears and said "If other people are going to do it to me and get away with it, then I might as well join the party and start doing everything they're going to let people get away with". Max came into F1 after that kind of move had already become accepted. I don't blame the drivers. I blame the FIA and the idiotic stewarding system for lack of clarity and consistency, letting them get away with all kinds of things. And I blame track runoff design. If the FIA would crack down on this stuff and some other kinds of moves, they would stop and driving stndards would improve, but they don't. Of course, like I said earlier, if there were gravel right on the edge of that turn, 99.9% chance we're not even having this discussion.
  17. The answer to all of this, as it is with most things in F1, is to go retro in track construction. If there's gravel there instead of pavement, neither one of them will go off, and if they do, their races are impacted negatively at best. And the best summary of that incident I've seen, is this one, from a Motorsport Mayhem poster:
  18. So if those held, how would that EC look? (Spoonfeed me, please! I'm just an unfrozen caveman firefighter.)
  19. Seriously. They couldn't be much more similar. Take someone else's product and change it slightly to look more like Mickey Mouse. What could possibly go wrong?
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