2 week checkup. Actually 17 days since surgery. Had my checkup yesterday. Been getting better, stronger, more mobile, more range of motion little by little every day. Been walking without the walker for a few days. And the last couple of days I've been walking pretty normally and without pain. There are already things I can do better now than I could before the surgery.
At my checkup yesterday they removed my bandage & everything looks great, so now I don't have to be so careful when I shower. I can start walking as much as is comfortable for me. I can get in the pool/hot tub in a week. Two more weeks of the compression socks. They're honestly the worst thing about the whole ordeal. That and being limited on sleeping positions at night, but now I can start laying on my operative side in bed a little bit, so that will help. The socks are a total pita to put on. No longer have to wear them in bed at night though, so I got that goin' for me, which is nice. I still can't put the sock on my surgery leg, so Mrs. Wood (no pics, you sick bastards) has to do it for me. Still have to keep my feet elevated as much as possible all day and use the calf compressors at least 30 minutes each day.
At 2 weeks they changed my exercise routine, but it's still very easy. Twice a day.