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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Man, I feel terrible just for having once voted for Trump. Imagine how this guy feels ...
  2. If it's the same Sean Kelly, and I think it probably is, he's a guy I first became aware of through F1 fandom. His twitter handle was @VirtualStatman. He was also a big opponent of Austin FC moving from Columbus to here, and I got into it with him on twitter over it multiple times. He's a POS who worked with COTA Boss Bobby Epstein to spread lies about the move. Epstein, if you remember, was opposed to MLS coming here because he had a shitty little team and 'stadium' out at COTA and envisioned himself as the guy who'd bring MLS here. He found a few locals in opposition, mostly sycophants or business associates of his, and put them all together, and backed them, forming an 'opposition group' that appeared much larger than it was. Most of those fuckers don't even live in Austin & live out in the county instead, but they would raise holy hell over every location mooted to build a stadium here. That's one reason the stadium ended up where it did. They opposed that site, too, btw. Anyway, tl:dr, Sean Kelly is a POS bootlicker Bobby Epstein lackey. Makes sense that he would be a Trumper as well.
  3. FIA acts for US GP on suspicions over front bib parc ferme trick https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/fia-acts-for-us-gp-on-suspicions-over-front-bib-parc-ferme-trick/10663272/ 
  4. LOL I was watching that dude last night, thinking he liked he wished someone would just put him out of his misery.
  5. She really looked exhausted and just completely beat down during that whole sequence, like "I can only do so much with this imbecile. I'm not a miracle worker".
  6. Because Trump made sure they'd be there. And it doesn't sound like there are that many. They're just disproportionately loud.
  7. Sounds like Mrs. Wood (no pics). She'll make up absolutely insane, impossibly wrong shit before she'll ever say "Sorry, I don't know".
  8. This seems like as good a place as any to put this. My expat friend in the UK sent me this message today:
  9. Dead giveaway was when he hesitated, saying "I was a tight, uh .... a tight end".
  10. Yep. His rambling 'weave' and blatant disregard for trying to stay on topic is just a beating. The guy simply cannot just give a direct answer to a direct question. Period. He's all over the place, weaving 6 stories into a response that goes nowhere near answering the question. If anyone wants to hear what a word salad really sounds like, just go listen to that crap. Even if I liked the guy & his idiotic ideas, listening to him for any length of time would still be an absolute mind-numbing beating. Loved seeing John try to keep him on task and challenge his economic ideas, to which Trump would respond with "the others who made trade agreements before me were all idiots or corrupt", and "you've been wrong your whole life".
  11. I've had a passport almost as long as I've had my license. IIRC that was one of the things I had to bring with me. Shouldn't need anything else, but I still had to bring all kinds of shit, and yeah, when my boys got their licenses, it was worse. I used to be able to renew by mail without even going in. I have no idea why I've had to go in the last 2 times.
  12. Cool. Maybe they've streamlined it. Mine was last summer and it was stupidly redundant and complex.
  13. Sounds about right. And yeah, long but good article. Soulless fucking vampires, they are.
  14. Yeah. At least this one. I avoided most news for a significant stretch because I was sick of seeing, well, soul-crushing shit like this exact story. Sorry not sorry for the old news, but at least maybe it'll get the word out to people who may have forgotten or never knew, like me.
  15. LOL, yep. The amount of shit I have to bring with me for that is insane, and I've been licensed to drive in this state for 45 years.
  16. OK, cool. He may lack in competence, at least in those estimates, but he doesn't appear to suffer from a shortage of character.
  17. Man, is it wrong for me to publicly profess my love of Mark Milley? That dude fucks.
  18. So, the sign on the front is a reference to the My Pillow guy. I wouldn't rule out the idea of it being anti-Trumpers stirring the shit, but the fact that something like that is even believable at all at this point is striking, with the campaign being fed talking points from Ohio Nazis, calling for mass deportations of brown & black people, etc.
  19. IMHO Kamala wins the EC fairly bigly. But we will see.
  20. Yeah and she should tell Trump "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" (/s)
  21. You smell that? That's the smell of desperation.
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