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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Sleeping. Serious binness. I almost always feel much better when I go to bed than when I wake up in the a.m. Coincidence? I think not.
  2. Thanks. Sorry, that question was re: thetvapp.to.
  3. Thanks. I'll check that out, too. I can still cancel 'em both if'n I want to. ETA just tuned in to the Cubs game. Looks great. Is home vs away team broadcast choice random/varied? I'm partial to the SCHN broadcast, but it might be worth hearing the other teams' announcers to save the money. MLB does have on demand 90 minutes after the game ends though. Hmm ...
  4. Welp, I lost my DirecTV piggyback, when my neighbor's mom ended her sub. Went back to the pirate streams for a couple of days, but fuck that shit. Got MLB.TV & Surfshark. Seems like it works great, at least for on demand games. We'll see how it goes tonight. Seems like the most cost-effective route for me. /csb
  5. Not enough pitchers getting hurt. Duh!
  6. Narrator: It wasn't a win. Moral victories don't get you a W. Aggy out front shoulda told ya.
  7. JFC, what a buncha fucking morons running this clown show. FML. The idiots have taken over everything now, and they're enshittening it all at warp speed.
  8. LOL. Wow. I guess it's kinda fitting since the cars are as long as an F-150 now
  9. Yeah & I've even seen VY listed at 6'6" at times.
  10. Were Texas. Tennessee can have 'UT' as far is I'm concerned. We'll take the Ws instead. And yeah, having lived in Tennessee near the hills & hillbillies for a few years of my childhood, I wouldn't be so sure those callers are pretending to be rednecks.
  11. What's going on at DKR today? My 20 yo just valeted VY's car. Fundraising event, maybe? ETA: BMD's kid's bday party.
  12. Very, very impressive. Most dominant team in this Olympics in any sport afaik.
  13. Yeah France is aight. They deserve it.
  14. Brandie would kick that skinny girl's ass.
  15. They hit loads of jump floaters, but not heavy topspin. Maybe they just figured we didn't have any big topspin serving threats, so it'd be better to just focus on the float and keep the ball in more ... or maybe it's analytics telling them the float gets other teams out of system more. Who knows. Personally, I always liked passing a good jumpserver's topspin more than trying to pass a good float serve, esp a jump float. More predictable ... but I'm also a big proponent of mixing things up as much as possible in the serving game, a la a pitcher changing speeds, spins, location, etc.
  16. I got a text about some more COTA resurfacing yesterday but haven't had a chance to go take a look yet. Will be out there in a couple of weeks for WEC. Good to see they finally paid some attention to the front straight. It's bumpy af. I see they're doing T1 again, too. That'll be at least the 3rd or 4th time. They've never actually resurfaced the whole thing, so I doubt this will be a full resurface, either. I think they're also doing the back straight and T18-19. This is the first time they've laid down new tarmac between the T20 exit and the T1 braking zone.
  17. This just in ... NBC sports coverage sucks. Always has. Fuck NBC.
  18. Full US Department of Justice investigation announced. Confirmed by Greg Maffei himself during a call to investors apparently: https://motorsport.nextgen-auto.com/fr/formule-1/officiel-la-f1-visee-par-une-enquete-de-la-justice-americaine-concernant,193222.html The shit has just hit the fan. Liberty 'bout to get fucked.
  19. We also have the men's indoor playing for bronze. Not surprised by Qatar. I haven't seen everyone play, but they've easily played the best of any team I've seen ... and we didn't send our best.
  20. Not gonna happen unless UT adds a women's sport too. Same thing that keeps us from having men's volleyball.
  21. No point spending all that money now, when they're leaving Merc so soon. McLaren is likely staying with Merc for a long time. Better imho to focus everything on the future of the project, which appears to be what they're doing.
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