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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by wood

  1. 4 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It's been turf from the get-go, so 42 years now.  For many years, as with football fields, it was considered "cool" and state of the art, and also a competitive advantage.  The infield was fast as hell in the earlier days and there were some interesting seams between the infield and outfield.

    Oh, I know, but Texas baseball fans have also wanted grass at DF for as long as I can remember ... even back in the late 70s when I first started attending games there.

  2. 7 minutes ago, horngrad03 said:

    I can't wrap my mind around this one:

    If you average a C+ grade "game by game"  isn't it possible that IS your A game???/

    Yeah, being able to play well on occasion isn't really special. What's special is being able to make the routine plays 99% of the time and then stepping it up when shit gets real.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Gut Wagon said:

    I'm just hoping TN Tech's hitters don't burn themselves out in Game 1 today. 

    So stoked for Tennessee Tech to even have gone this far. I lived in Cookeville in elementary school & my dad took some classes there. /csb

  4. 1 hour ago, TrashMaster G said:

    The pitching staff was phenomenal this weekend.  27 IP and 2 ER.  That's a salty 0.67 ERA for you non-math wizards.  Also, here is the stat that blows my mind:  31 strikeouts and 2 walks.  WOW!

    No matter what happens in the Supers, this team has done a fantastic job of taking the program up a notch on the path back to where we should be.  It's been fun to watch.

    Yeah I was esp impressed with Henley. Looked better than he looked all year imho. Clutch.

  5. 3 hours ago, Don Johnson said:

    Ok, so I know I am about 30 years late on this question, but I haven't watched a Texas game at D-F in forever until last night.  But what the fuck is up with your field?

    Turf?  And some of it painted brown round the bases?  Dirt only on the mound?  WTF?

    How can a school with boatloads of money, boatloads of CWS titles and a huge fan following be OK with that?

    We aren't.

  6. 4 hours ago, Eastwood said:

    The team is going to a Super when this season looked lost, but people are too busy arguing about finite baseball rules to enjoy it.

    Yeah, we have a thread for that shit now...

  7. 29 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    That  a very very difficult play he made...if he doesn't throw the guy out, it's a tie game at best. The runner from 2nd was already rounding 3rd when he fielded it. If the guy was safe at first there's a chance they get 2 runs on that play, and if the throw is even a little bit off almost certainly 2 score 


    Yep, huge and fantastic play. And I was surprised he got the guy by as much as he did.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

    Wood, the umpire made the right call in your first scenario. If the ball hits in fair territory and a player touches it in foul territory before the ball touches the ground in foul territory and before it passes foul past third base then it is considered fair.  The ball becomes a foul once it touches the ground in foul territory.  


    This. If it's before the bag and bounced in fair ground, then it's still fair.

    Eh, no. If a player touches the ball on or over foul territory & it hasn't passed the base in fair territory, it's foul. 


    I can’t even tell if people are trolling any more.

    No. Before 1st/3rd bases, the ball is fair if it touches someone while the ball is in fair territory.  Foul if it touches someone while the ball is in foul territory.  This thread is loony tunes

    LOL. Exactly. I think some of these guys might be umps from my kid's games this weekend.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Mudcat35 said:

    Regarding the original post - I coached select baseball for years.  Every year, I told my players and parents two things about the umpires:


    1)  It takes a REALLY good umpire to intentionally affect the outcome of a baseball game.  These guys aren't that good.

    2)  If these umpires were any good, they wouldn't be out here.

    I agree with that. I don't expect them to be MLB umps. I'm just looking for a little honest effort here. If paid umps don't know the basics of the rules, like the difference between a squeeze and a stolen base, or the difference between a fair or foul ball, it's not an honest effort.

  10. 4 minutes ago, elfenix said:
    2 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:
     I once tuned in to watch a spare ass Armando Galarraga complete a perfect game, just to have Jim Joyce blow a call that a major league umpire gets right 999 times out of 1000. 

    I think this is the only blown call I've had pop into my head more than a day after it happened.

    I had to google that one up. Just wow. That wasn't even close. Even Joyce probably still has nightmares about that choke job. 

  11. 2 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    ^ it’s true but sometimes fun to talk about these things anyway.

    I had an ump call a foul pop up fair because the fielder dropped it.  He says it would have been foul but if you try to catch it then you’ve chosen to play it, making it fair. 

    Yeah, this is the kinda shit I'm talking about. Baseball umps who don't even have the first clue what they're doing. Hey, I don't take money to go fuck up their quiddich matches. 

  12. Re: Hibbeler's play last night, I think it's a tough one for Blue even if he made the catch. They were likely pretty obscured from actually being able to see him make the catch, and he never held it up or anything. When he ball comes flying out like that, I can understand how it's pretty tough for them to call that a game-ending, regional-ending out. Pierce seemed to agree after he calmed down. I had a feeling it wasn't over as soon as I saw the ball fly out. Just glad it worked out for us.

    2 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

    Why is it 'Centex' instead of 'CenTex'?   Please bring this to their attention.

    Ha! Hell, it might be CenTex. I dunno.

  13. 7 hours ago, Victor Lazlo said:

    No offense, Wood, but if you are going long cat in order to justify your outrage over a bad call from a Joe Schmo trying to make rent money by umpiring your kid’s ballgame, well, maybe you should try to take a step back and think about things. Just trying to give a little perspective  

    Ive been there- coached my daughter’s softball for 6 years. 

    I learned that all of the umps, with the exception of maybe 2, in 6 years time, are just trying to do the very best job that they can. 

    They aren’t trying to screw you, and  they damned well aren’t getting paid enough to be berated mercifully over perceived missed calls. 

    This thread isn't just for bad calls or weird calls in kid's games, but at any level. And I'm not expecting a deep knowledge of the rules for the kid's umps, but c'mon man. The two examples I gave above don't require anything more than a rudimentary knowledge of baseball. And they're just from the last 2 games. There are plenty more, just from our games this season. Even most of  the kids know these rules. I mean ... a double play on an obvious foul grounder, and a "squeeze play" on a steal of home with the pitcher nowhere near the mound with his head up his ass? I don't think I'm asking for that much here.

    I was just always taught that if you're going to take money to do any job, you try to do it right. There are good umps out there getting paid the same as these guys, but the guys making shitty calls like these aren't putting in an honest effort at all. They're just showing up and wearing the uniform. And it's not about getting screwed. We won one of the games, and in the other, the call sure didn't help us since we were rallying with a good hitter up and more after him, but it likely wasn't the deciding factor. It's about doing a good job when you're being paid for it, and not just for us, but for all the teams. 

    • Like 1
  14. I don't mean for this thread to apply just to any one level of baseball, but the Hibbeler catch/no catch vs Indiana and a couple of crazy calls in my kid's all-star play over the weekend are what prompted it. Some people are tired of hearing about the Hibbeler play over in that thread, so maybe we can bring that talk over here.

    So I'll kick it all off with this shit ... today in my kid's Centex Series round robin play, we had runners on 1st & second, 1 out. Our kid hit a hard grounder toward third, where the 3rd baseman was playing practically on top of the bag. 3rd baseman steps 2 or 3 steps toward home & into foul territory, and catches the ball about 2 feet foul and about 3 or 4 feet toward home from the bag. It's not even close to fair territory. Kid plays it out, steps on 3rd, throws to 1st. Umps call outs at 3rd and 1st, killing our inning. I'm coaching 1st, and our HC is coaching 3rd. He immediately tells the home plate ump that's a foul ball & is dead as soon as 3B touches it. Ump says the ball first bounced fair and never hit the ground in foul territory before 3B caught it in the air in foul territory, so it's fair. This is, of course, complete nonsense, and our HC is very good with the rules and quoted it to the ump almost exactly the same way I've been finding it online. Nope. No go.

    Shit like this happens damn near every game, and our HC can show the guys the rule half the time, but it has zero effect. These worthless fucks are getting paid to Ump, but can't be bothered to actually learn a got-damn rule or two ... and then they actually, with a straight face, tell us we're wrong when we can actually show them the fucking rule. I mean I get it. Umpiring is hard AF, and there are lots of little nitpicky rules, but this isn't really one of em. Learn the fucking rule book or go do something else.

    Yesterday we noticed the opposing pitcher, after each pitch, was going about half way to home plate to take the throw from the catcher, then cluelessly lollygagging his way back to the mound. So we got a kid on third and after a couple pitches like this we sent him as soon as the catcher made the throw back after a pitch. He stole home and scored easily. Umps called our kid out, saying we had illegally run a "squeeze play".  Of course, laying down a bunt is kinda hard when the pitcher is walking back to the mound, but WTF, let's call it a squeeze play. Why the fuck not, right? 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    This is everything right here. He caught the ball; same as Dez and Calvin before him. But it wasn’t a catch according to the rule; same as Dez and Calvin before him.

    I dunno. I think it's a tough one for Blue even if he made the catch. They were likely pretty obscured from actually being able to see him make the catch, and he never held it up or anything. When he ball comes flying out like that, I can understand how it's pretty tough for them to call that a game-ending, regional-ending out. Pierce seemed to agree. I had a feeling it wasn't over as soon as I saw the ball fly out. Just glad it worked out for us.

  16. 3 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    There is no such thing as a deflection rule.  Stahp. 

    So get this shit ...

    today in my kid's Centex Series round robin play, we had runners on 1st & second, 1 out. Our kid hit a hard grounder toward third, where the 3rd baseman was playing practically on top of the bag. 3rd baseman steps 2 or 3 steps toward home & into foul territory, and catches the ball about 2 feet foul and about 3 or 4 feet toward home from the bag. It's not even close to fair territory. Kid plays it out, steps on 3rd, throws to 1st. Umps call outs at 3rd and 1st, killing our inning. I'm coaching 1st, and our HC is coaching 3rd. He immediately tells the home plate ump that's a foul ball & is dead as soon as 3B touches it. Ump says the ball first bounced fair and never hit the ground in foul territory before 3B caught it in the air in foul territory, so it's fair. This is, of course, complete nonsense, and our HC is very good with the rules and quoted it to the ump almost exactly the same way I've been finding it online. Nope. No go.

    Shit like this happens damn near every game, and our HC can show the guys the rule half the time, but it has zero effect. These worthless fucks are getting paid to Ump, but can't be bothered to actually learn a got-damn rule or two ... and then they actually, with a straight face, tell us we're wrong when we can actually show them the fucking rule. I mean I get it. Umpiring is hard AF, and there are lots of little nitpicky rules, but this isn't really one of em. Learn the fucking rule book or go do something else.

    Yesterday we noticed the opposing pitcher, after each pitch, was going about half way to home plate to take the throw from the catcher, then cluelessly lollygagging his way back to the mound. So we got a kid on third and after a couple pitches like this we sent him as soon as the catcher made the throw back after a pitch. He stole home and scored easily. Umps called our kid out, saying we had illegally run a "squeeze play".  Of course, laying down a bunt is kinda hard when the pitcher is walking back to the mound, but WTF, let's call it a squeeze play. Why the fuck not, right?

    /csb. Not sorry for the semi-ot rantage.

    • Like 1
  17. On 5/23/2018 at 3:20 PM, Lhorn said:

    While I agree with this in theory, the "kid" looks overweight and unhealthy but has youth on his side.  Dad's got 25 more years of donut and bacon eating and likely gets winded tying his shoes.  Family probably thinks of junior as the "health nut" of the family.


    How old is Dad. I'm 52 and I'll be damned if I couldn't kick the shit outta that kid without breaking a sweat, and I'm nothing special in a fight.

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