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  1. hehe you mad bro? Come drink a beer with me downtown?
  2. I respect that. You may know him more than me. How is he in a dark alley?
  3. hehe whats wrong with being stupid? I just want someone to come out and plaaaaayy
  4. Hmm. No takers? only pussies that hide behind a keyboard eh?
  5. Is it a natural DNA iffilation?
  6. Any of you woman, oh meant guys that negged me want to meet downtown tomorrow and show what you are worth then we can meet tomorrow. I'll most likely buy you a beer but if you have problems or an attitude I will take you outside.
  7. Yep. Made my point. Our fan base, pussies
  8. Goo punch. mynigga. These people aint ready for Gucci. imagine if we had hard hitters like zro and triple six.
  9. Will are fan base always be this big of pussies? My neg count will prove it : )
  10. Wtf so many cock suckers negged ne. Pussies. hahaha
  11. my nigga. downtown?
  12. Anyway, if any of you cock suckers are downtown i'll buy you a beer. Fuck all this typing shit. Hook em
  13. Yeah thats what they call me back here sailor ; )
  14. nope. did I fuck your fiance? pre-med maybe?
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