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Everything posted by d.plainview872

  1. Places like Mecca.
  2. Cyclist that pull up to the the front of cars at a stop light. Then proceeds to ride in middle of a lane and hold cars up.
  3. I thought Cowboys had an interest in him? Pay him for 3 years. Make defense better. Make 2 Superbowls. Profit?
  4. Anyone remember when Cowboys could of drafted R.M. but opted for the wrong R.W.?
  5. Some of the best moments of my college life. Fuck you Jef Fish
  6. Big DD checking in
  7. I would rather her suck my dick .
  8. Directions and numbers dumbass?
  9. Married guys. How many red flags are you okay with before being in a serious relationship with a woman/girl? I recently met this gorgeous girl but she is not my type. Lust is stirring me in her direction. She is only 22 but is still in community college. The red flags. She smokes weed every day. She still calls her mom "mommy". She is very insecure. She has multiple tattoos and piercings. She likes to sleep a lot. She was willing to hang out even though she had a boyfriend. But dam, she is very beautiful.
  10. Why was the ratio of guys to girls higher in my finance and economic classes compared to my marketing, management, and communication classes?
  11. I know. People are in such a state of ignorance and low level intelligence. They see someone that has money and luxuries they don't have and therefore want to see what is it like to have those luxuries. Even though they have no personal attachment to said "celebrity" they are at such a low level of intelligence and want to see how people with greater status live. It's really simple.
  12. Via 313 Pizza is overrated as fuck. Reminds me how people flocked to Home Slice and thought that was great. Monkey see monkey do.
  13. Every other movie made is the same thing over and over.
  14. Good guy. There are many others out there too. Publicity can dictate a persons vision easily. Those are the idiots. Make money. Fuck bitches. Donate Money. Profit.
  15. Sounds like shitty games. The only one worth anything was Bloodborne.
  16. She's the last person to stay at my parties.
  17. Why not both? Meh. I am a fast shooter. Alcohol will keep me feeling better longer.
  18. WTF? Single. No need to get married. Game? What is that? You are thinking in absolutes. Need I go on......
  19. Nothing. My dick is still here.
  20. You can only remember the important information. Key word important.
  21. Wow. This game is bad. Everything wrong with gaming these days.
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