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Everything posted by d.plainview872

  1. He knowswho I am talking about
  2. Ill tell him to meet me here
  3. Who is that pussy that calledme out.
  4. I wonder what has more death related incidents? The consumption of marijuana or the consumption of alcohol?
  5. Nice. I might actually pick this one up then.
  6. Fuck yeah Poona! Hope he lands in the rotation. Too bad he didn't get drafted higher because of his physical measurements.
  7. Best of luck to Malik. I figured he would go in the 3rd and thought another year would guarantee him a late 1st round pick. Would have enjoyed seeing him in a Longhorn uniform for one more year.
  8. Is this game better than the first two games? Does the combat actually have any depth? I remember the series being a cinema fest with only having to press two or three buttons to get through the game.
  9. x_Apollyon_x My Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZqQiB2yYt7y7kdKvqQ1g0w?view_as=subscriber
  10. Bloodborne is awesome. Compared to other games it requires a little thinking. Did you beat it? It was one of the easiest Soul games to platinum.
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