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Everything posted by GhostofDanJones

  1. The fake army is out on parade
  2. I used to troll over there all the time. Pretty sure I'm banned or else I would bump that thread. #Fanbasedivided
  3. Daniel Young should be the featured back, along with Toniel Carter in rotation.
  4. Rocko was a dipshit. Whatever happend to Grendel? Did he make it over here?
  5. Wouldn't be surprised if Kliff has banged every cheerleader and sorority whore on campus
  6. Whoever Tech goes with for QB will be way better than Nic Shimonek...
  7. Not only is this dumbass shit, but it's down right disgusting!
  8. Justin Smith is just mad that he hasn't matched with anyone on Bumble.
  9. Biggest false promise of the year goes to Colby Carthel. He knows deep down Jimbo is going 7-5 (at best) every year.
  10. How about TULAUS? I have yet to see him on any boards.
  11. Why was the stadium cold? Because there were a lot of fans.
  12. I'm unfamiliar with clearlakehorn. What did he do exactly to get banned and besides not having a life, why does he create so many socks?
  13. Is Derka over here?
  14. That explains why I haven't seen Rocko. Thank god.
  15. Looked over on shaggy earlier just to see how bad it has gotten. It's a fucking ghost town over there.
  16. Soon, we'll see tell me threads for not only D1 and Texas schools, but also D2 and D3 schools.
  17. I for one enjoy them.
  18. What I've noticed over this decade about Iowa State is that they're a better team than their record shows. They always seem to beat a team that they're not supposed to. They are the ultimate spoilers of the conference.
  19. Don't think Tech is jumping all over hiring Sonny.
  20. Colby should have round house kicked Jimbo and John Sharp for that disrespectful bullshit!
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