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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Yuk

  1. It's certainly an odd form of nationalism, I'll give you that.
  2. This. It's about channeling the grievance of a loser: victimhood.
  3. I'll likely read that when it's done. Karsa was great. Tehol is my favorite, though.
  4. I enjoyed it, but it ran out of gas near the end. I really loved Tehol and Karsa characters.
  5. Stormlight Book 4 drops tomorrow. I will certainly be reading this. I hate starting unfinished series, but I make an exception for Sanderson.
  6. Roger Stone created the Stop the Steal PAC in 2016. This has been in the works for a long while.
  7. We've valued nonviolence and liberalism (really the majority of both parties) over the past 50 years. We're living in a pressure cooker, and the fascists keep turning up the heat. This last norm, the mores of nonviolence (which has already eroded on the far right) is about to be pierced. Everything the fascists fear will come to fruition when this norm/ideal erodes on the left. That's why it's hard to understand the absolute stubbornness by which they drive head-on into calamity. This will not end well for anyone.
  8. You smell that? That's fear. Beautiful, sweet fear.
  9. People that are fearful make threats. They may be angry, but the quote should read "The fear out there". You've been consolidating power for a generation, it would be soooo unfortunate to lose those structural advantages over a Lost Cause.
  10. It would probably be actual suicide to the members of the court who invalidate the will of the people.
  11. Pretty sure he's just waiting to write it on the outside of one of Hunter Biden's laptops.
  12. True, true. I wouldn't be surprised if someday some fishermen caught a big shark and cut it open and there inside was a whole person! Then they cut the person open and in him is a little baby shark, and in the baby shark there isn't a person because that would be too small. But there's a little doll or something.
  13. You bring up a good point actually. For all of these Trumpers, the R establishment is running the risk of suppressing their own vote in the future by claiming this campaign was stolen. If it's the first election you ever voted in and you feel like all your emotion and hard work are for nothing because of cheating, you may never bother again.
  14. I get the feeling they're trying to move toward red states no-showing the Electoral College so there's no quorum.
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