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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Yuk

  1. It's mainly qboomer olds and totally alpha incels. It's essentially self-sterilization.
  2. It doesn't prove anything. It's just interesting. Quote from Rolling Stone: Butina, 30, was raised in Siberia, where she grew up competing in shooting competitions. She studied political science and rose to national prominence in 2011 for her participation in the Youth Primaries of the Young Guard of United Russia, a political contest sponsored by Vladimir Putin’s political party. Butina soon moved to Moscow, where she founded a gun-rights organization, Right to Bear Arms, under the tutelage of Torshin, then a top senator in the Russian government. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/maria-butina-pleads-guilty-russia-768777/ Late December 2010 suspected spy Anna Chapman was appointed to the public council of the organization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Guard_of_United_Russia
  3. Chapman was the spy caught honeypotting Obama cabinet official. The FSB is not looking for lobbying. They look for relationships (financial or other) and get kompromat. Then they exert pressure on the target to act in ways that benefit them.
  4. Saying this. It would not surprise me at all if the Dems impeach, get shot down, impeach again, rinse and repeat, and draw it all out through the 2020 elections. There are so many qualifying avenues that this is going to make for an interesting reelection campaign for sure.
  5. If the Senate impeaches him, they'll disqualify him from holding public again. It's their option, but there's really no reason not to do it.
  6. "Treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors." I doubt the founders ever expected to have an elected official that could cover all three categories.
  7. The wall funding is something they are trying to throw into the spending bill to counteract the Mueller protection they are threatening to include in the spending bill. Nancy is just informing him that they still have time to pass legislation on the wall right now.
  8. We're talking about people who get ASMR when the man speaks. There is literally no amount of evidence that would convince them. See R support after Watergate "smoking gun" tape. Nixon still had 30+% approval. To the Trumpers, this is not about criminality or reason or policy or religious beliefs or logic. It's about cultural identity. Even if you prove Trump betrayed America beyond a point that any rationale person could deny it, they are not coming from a place of rationality and the cognitive dissonance will be too uncomfortable for them.
  9. Leopold and Cormier are Woodward and Bernstein of this whole thing. Definitely in line for Pulitzer.
  10. "Aiding and abetting, giving comfort, to an enemy" here is a term of art straight out of English law from 1300's. It doesn't apply. Enemy is essentially related to a formally declared war. Thus the "light" treason.
  11. I expect that even if the House impeaches Trump, McConnell may not even hold the trial in the Senate.
  12. It was reported that Trump thought that his conversations with Don McGahn were covered by attorney client privilege and then freaked the fuck out when someone informed him that the United States was McGahn's client and that McGahn had spent 30 hours with the special counsel. I think Trump speaks way too freely around what he considers his inner circle and it's going to fuck him on this.
  13. Good point. Who could possibly know a deal to drop sanctions for financial gain is illegal?
  14. Looking at Trump's twitter is very telling about tomorrow. He throws these tantrums every time he gets bad news.
  15. Roger Stone suggested they appoint a special counsel to investigate Uranium One as it was signed off on by the FBI and Robert Mueller was head of the FBI at that time. What an incredible strategy, Roger! They really fucking know their audience. And they certainly know their base is morons. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/roger-stone-uranium-one-robert-mueller
  16. Russia doesn't even bother imprisoning "political prisoners". The prisoners are usually kind enough to defenestrate themselves.
  17. Yeah, so essentially this entire nomination is to investigate Uranium One to create false equivalence. But her EMAILS!
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