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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Yuk

  1. It's not CNN, it's John Brennan.
  2. 100% chance this is Qboomer.
  3. I'm enjoying this "Yankees suck" chant in WS.
  4. Herbstreit critiquing OSU. Giving no credit to Purdue.
  5. This is rather enjoyable.
  6. I take that to mean both that he won't restrict his transfer, *and* if he wants into coaching, he has a home here. Kind of like Kenny Guiton. He specifically mentioned him coaching his ass off with Sam.
  7. I love this story so much. Russian agents aren't the best and the brightest. I love the first part: ------------------------------------------------------- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Dear Sirs: This is to confirm that the law firm Mayer Brown Row and Maw LLP has been offered a legal internship to Ms Simona Mangiante. ------------------------------------------------------- The law firm has been offered an internship to Simona?
  8. The Alfa Bank portion finally getting picked up: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/10/15/was-there-a-connection-between-a-russian-bank-and-the-trump-campaign
  9. So if we're following your logic, it's a healthy, normal thing putting kids in cages with no bed?
  10. I expect some Surly poster is furiously digging through their facebook memes from other old people.
  11. Per the Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/05/us/politics/trump-kavanaugh-fbi.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage
  12. She had her testimony under oath and willingness to cooperate with FBI. The only witness that can corroborate the allegation is Judge who was too busy deleting his weirdo youtube channel of him paying women to lay on beds looking lifeless. Oh, and here are the videos if you want to watch. https://judgeleaks.com/
  13. If we're going to yank the rug out on social security, the boomers deserve to be generation that eats it.
  14. Also "republicans" accusing others of being dumb voters in 2018 is an intellectual own goal.
  15. It's amazing that (((he))) also pulls all the strings in other pro-Russian failed states such as Poland. Every societal ill is blamed on Soros holding back the Law and Justice Party.
  16. When they fantasize about military tribunals and turning the reflection pool to a giant execution pit, the base probably shouldn't get their way.
  17. First they came for the milkshakes, and I did not speak out for I am not a milkshake.
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